Is your body bikini ready? No worries. Certified fitness trainer and nutrition and wellness coach, Kelly Larson's comprehensive guide will blast the fat off of your body via a multipronged plan of effective fat burning methods. Larson kicks off her "hot body" fitness guide with a chapter crammed with general fitness and beauty tips. Then, to help you suit up your new fit body before and after you've achieved your fitness goals, Larson provides a savvy rundown of swimsuits that are best suited for your particular body type. Once she's covered the basics, Larson dishes out the straight scoop with specific tips targeting fat loss: ideal diet calorie counts, good fats to include in your diet, and daily habits that help you lose weight. Larson's exercise tips aren't hard to implement because she suggests a variety of ways to sneak exercise into your daily routine. There are tips to help you sneak shorts bursts of exercise into your workday and ways to integrate exercise into your daily housecleaning routine. To work on common problem areas, such as the abdomen, Larson offers ways to expedite spot reduction