Almost everybody has said or shown through their actions that they are not where they want to be in life, and that they need some direction. People are hurting, and they are looking for answers. Instead of living empowered lives, most of us live in some form of defeat, at least in one area of our life. That has got to change! 99% of the answers to the questions that you have about life may be attained through your understanding of the information contained within this book, and increasing one's income is certainly included as a part of the content. This book was written in such a way that virtually anyone could accomplish this task, with no capital investment to start with, nor personal funds added later. Everything that was required for the writing and the publishing of this book was received though the 'law of attraction' (The Secret), and nothing was asked of anyone during the process. It is intended to create balance, and to help to bring increase in every area of the reader's life, and everyone will greatly benefit from The Secret when correctly applied to their lives. We have abilities and resources av