WARNING: This book is not about politics nor does it promote being a jerk; however, victims, wimpy-minded, and lazy people will hate it. Wow! This real estate handbook is not like the others: it has flow charts and over 100 common (and not-so-common) real estate agent tasks-presented as simple, step-by-step recipes. And it has pictures. And it's funny (or at least grin-worthy). In other words, it's comprehensive and not boring. The best part is: as a collection of brief articles, this book is easy to digest in small bites; however, because real estate tasks are so interrelated, each article is heavily cross-referenced. This way, the reader may delve deep into any topic (or train of thought) by either turning the page or by following a cross-reference. Such layout makes for easy navigation now and in the future, because you'll wanna return to certain articles over and over again. So, you can read it from cover-to-cover, or you can choose your own real estate adventure, reading only the bits that fit your current curiosity. Whether you're a new real estate agent or are in need of a business boost, what