«The Monumental Arboretum» includes the 65 most noteworthy specimens of tree species in our garden, from all geographical zones of the Earth. Genres such as Araucana, Cupressus, Podocarpus, Cephalotaxusm, species · of pine trees and Cycas, monocotyledons such as Nolina, Beaucarnea, and the large sample of Yucca filifera, probably the oldest garden plant, and the giant bamboo Dendrocalamus giganteus. Some of these examples are, already, senescent and most likely die in a not very long term. Each plant that disappears is an irreparable loss, but we have to accept that this is the cycle of life. Our mission is not to make them live forever, but replace absences with new specimens that allow that our Grove continues to be the main attraction of this botanical garden. Este volumen muestra la gran diversidad e árboles i otras plantes que son elementos singulares del Jardín Botánico.