The Kelly incident is a unique story. It happened during a time when things were a lot different than now. When people were really neighbors and actually helped one another. Children listened to their parents and no one knew there were things out in the world that was different than them. The media wasn?t there to overshadow every aspect of our lives like it is now. Families were close and depended on each other and life ? well, it was just plan simpler! We have all grown, we have loved and lost. Since 1955 our technology has grown in leaps and bounds and the earth itself is go- ing through many changes. I can only hope as each day passes that we all learn from our mistakes and love what life has to offer. Life offered up my family a little three and half foot tall man that scared the heck out of them and changed their lives forever. The little man is still changing lives today as new generations learn about the ?Little Green Men? from Kelly, Kentucky.