There is a widespread change taking place in what it means to be religious. More and more spiritual people are moving away from ethical guidelines and the disciplines of institutional religion towards a new approach; one that uses reason and common sense to answer the poignant questions that dogma has either left unanswered or has answered unsatisfactorily. We are at the threshold of a new period for Christianity. We are at a time of spiritual renewal when nothing is exempted from our introspection. New Thought, New Age or New Way is not about the existence of God, but rather what we do about it. We must seek an independent, intimate relationship with our creator. Reason must be applied in much the same way Thomas Paine used it in ?The Age of Reason?, addressing such topics such as: -The divine purpose of life. -Free will and choices -Sin and punishment -Non-judgment The Journey introduces the technique of Reflection, where we are able to touch our Christ Consciousness (the Spirit of God within us) and find the ?way? in all matters in our lives. Using the medium of an inspirational novel, the quest for truth