"If you love folklore you will find Betson's stories riveting. Author Patrick Betson is a storyteller make no mistake about it." Tahoe Daily Tribune/Tahoe World. "Legends, tall tales and true accounts blend into a delightful read in Patrick Betson's "The Ghosts of Lake Tahoe: The Stuff of Legends." The Tahoe Weekly. "It's a great read for any history buff or Lake Tahoe fan, a great vacation book." The Nevada Magazine "A colorful and rumbustious saga, Patrick's enthusiasm for Lake Tahoe is infectious" Southend Evening Echo In a timeline of 150 years, here Patrick Betson brings together twelve stories, some remembered and some long forgotten, of some of the most colorful characters whoever crossed the western mountains reflected in the history of America's most glorious lake. The bravest of all the Pony Express riders, the ex-riverboat pilot who became a reporter and a giant of American literature, a Chinese migrant who risked life and limb to build a railroad, a tale of stock manipulation and murder that stemmed from a discovery of a Tahoe whirlpool, a salty seafarer who battled the worst