A fulfilling life can be found in the balance of?the appreciation and enjoyment of your current reality and the desire to?amplify the good in your life and create an even greater reality than you currently enjoy. The Catalyst Journal was carefully designed to help YOU create your most fulfilling life.?An amazing and fulfilling life does not happen by accident. We must constantly remind ourselves to remain present and grateful as we seek to fulfill our dreams! The catch is that each person's definition of an amazing and fulfilling life is completely different. The Catalyst Journal acknowledges this fact by using prompts to guide you through identifying and creating YOUR version of an amazing and fulfilling life, rather than telling you what you should pursue or suggesting that your ideal life is dependent on the achievement of an outcome.?The Catalyst Journal begins with a deep-dive, soul-searching session that is designed to help you find clarity about what your ideal life looks like. After completing this session, you will begin plotting the course to fulfill your vision for your ideal life. In approximatel