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Resultados de la búsqueda para: Virgilio

La poesía de los poetas de Cuba tiene sus marcas nacionales propias, ya sean temáticas o incluso de preferencias formales, de lenguaje y hasta de actitud vital ante la aprehensión poética del mundo. La mismidad literaria cubana se manifiesta con mucha precisión desde que existe una poesía escrita consecutivamente por varios autores desde el final del siglo xviii y que ha continuado escribiéndose sin interrupción hasta nuestros días.
En el proyecto Savia para Ciencias Sociales partimos de contextos próximos al alumno con el fin de que el alumno valore la utilidad de lo que está aprendiendo y comprenda que puede mejorar su entorno. Así facilitamos la motivación por aprender y conseguimos un aprendizaje significativo. Apostamos por el apoyo gráfico, acompañando la exposición de contenidos con una propuesta rica en ilustraciones y cartografía que facilita el aprendizaje por observación.Proponemos fortalecer el aprovechamiento didáctico de la imagen.A través de SaviaDigital, te ofrecemos un entorno de trabajo personal. Integramos herramientas del mundo digital que enriquecerán tus clases de manera sencilla y segura. Ponemos las TIC al servicio de la ciencia, y diversificamos el tipo de actividades.Este libro es valido para las Comunidades de : Valencia y Extremadura , incluye 3 volúmenes: Historia medieval + Historia moderna + Resumen de Geografía humana.
This pack will be available for CanariasWe are Experience We have been providing educational products and services for over sixty years.We are Integration The vehicular language, British English, is integrated into Savia with the utmost attention to linguistic quality.We are Innovation Savia incorporates programmes that help you use innovative teaching methods. What's more, this plurilingual course is based on the principles of CLIL methodology.CLIL methodology in Savia Savia uses the specific principles of CLIL methodology to help students learn subjects in English
This pack will be available for the following Autonomous Communities: Extremadura,ValenciaWe are Experience We have been providing educational products and services for over sixty years.We are Integration The vehicular language, British English, is integrated into Savia with the utmost attention to linguistic quality.We are Innovation Savia incorporates programmes that help you use innovative teaching methods. What's more, this plurilingual course is based on the principles of CLIL methodology.CLIL methodology in Savia Savia uses the specific principles of CLIL methodology to help students learn subjects in English
This pack will be available for the following Autonomous Communities: Extremadura, Castilla y León, Asturias, Valencia, Baleares and Aragón.We are Experience We have been providing educational products and services for over sixty years.We are Integration The vehicular language, British English, is integrated into Savia with the utmost attention to linguistic quality.We are Innovation Savia incorporates programmes that help you use innovative teaching methods. What's more, this plurilingual course is based on the principles of CLIL methodology.CLIL methodology in Savia Savia uses the specific principles of CLIL methodology to help students learn subjects in English
This pack will be available for the following Autonomous Communities: Murcia, País Vasco, Galicia, Madrid, Cataluña, Ceuta, Melilla y Castilla la Mancha We are Experience We have been providing educational products and services for over sixty years.We are Integration The vehicular language, British English, is integrated into Savia with the utmost attention to linguistic quality.We are Innovation Savia incorporates programmes that help you use innovative teaching methods. What's more, this plurilingual course is based on the principles of CLIL methodology.CLIL methodology in Savia Savia uses the specific principles of CLIL methodology to help students learn subjects in English