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Resultados de la búsqueda para: Dickens Charles
Charles Dickens es probablemente, después de William Shakespeare, el segundo escritor inglés más famoso de todos los tiempos. En su época, su popularidad iba creciendo con cada nueva obra que publicaba. El esoterismo, lo sobrenatural, la fascinación por lo desconocido y lo ultraterreno, el amor más poderoso que la muerte, son temas presentes en los relatos que recoge esta edición. Pero si algo caracteriza los libros de Dickens es que en ellos hay siempre un destello de esperanza: nunca es tarde para recuperar los principios, igual que lo hace el tacaño señor Scrooge en " Canción de Navidad " . Es una parábola que hoy más que nunca merece la pena no olvidar.
Ideal for confident learners of English looking to improve or consolidate their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded to level, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.'Please, Mr Murdstone! Don't beat me! I've tried to learn my lessons, really I have, sir!' sobs David.Although he is only eight years old, Mr Murdstone does beat him, and david is so frightened that he bites his cruel stepfather's hands. For that, he is kept locked in his room for five days and nights, and nobody is allowed to speak to him.As David grows up, he learns that life is full of trouble and misery and cruelty. But he also finds laughter and kindness, trust and friendship ... and love.
Pip is a poor orphan whose life is changed forever by two very different meetings ? one with an escaped convict and the other with an eccentric old lady and the beautiful girl who lives with her. And who is the mysterious person who leaves him a fortune?

Ideal for intermediate learners of English looking to improve or practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading. Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says - just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business, and making money.But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past, present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget.
Thomas Gradgrind believes that facts and money are more important than feelings and imagination. After Cissy Jupe - a circus child - is left alone in the world, Gradgrind takes her into his house, looking after her and teaching her facts with his own children Tom and Louisa. Some years later the Gradgrind family meets hard times. Louisa becomes a prisoner in a loveless marriage, and Tom has problems at work. In the end, Thomas Gradgrind learns the importance of feelings and imagination.

His mother is dead, so little Oliver Twist is brought up in the workhouse. Beaten and starved, he runs away to London, where he joins Fagin?s gang of thieves. By chance he also finds good new friends ? but can they protect him from people who rob and murder without mercy?
Ideal for confident learners of English looking to improve or consolidate their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded to level, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.In a gloomy, neglected house Miss Havisham sits, as she has sat year after year, in a wedding dress and veil that were once white, and are now faded and yellow with age. Her face is like a death's head; her dark eyes burn with bitterness and hate. By her side sits a proud and beautiful girl, and in front of her, trembling with fear in his thick country boots, stands young Pip.Miss Havisham stares at Pip coldly, and murmurs to the girl at her side: 'Break his heart, Estella. Break his heart!'