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Resultados de la búsqueda para: Conan Doyle Arthur

El controvertit professor Challenger encapçala una expedició a terres de Sud-amèrica per a demostrar lexistència de vida prehistòrica en un paratge secret del continent. El professor Sumerlee, laventurer lord John Roxton i el periodista E. D. Malone lacompanyaran en una missió tan sorprenent com perillosa cap a un món perdut tan sols governat per bèsties primitives i extraordinàries.
You said that you wanted danger, didn't you?' says McArdle, the editor of theDaily Gazette . And he sends his young reporter, Malone, on a strange journey into South America with the famous Professor Challenger. Challenger believes he can find a lost world full of dinosaurs in the middle of the Amazon forest. But this world is dangerous to reach, and, once the Professor and his small group of explorers arrive, things get even more dangerous for them. Will they return alive?

Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.'For me, Watson, life is not so interesting,' says Holmes. 'I loved to read the newspaper, hoping to find some news of an interesting crime for me to investigate or a dangerous criminal for me to catch. Where are all those clever criminals these days?'Then, suddenly, a wild, excited young man runs up the stairs to Holmes' room. He has a story to tell about a strange crime that took place in Norwood. But who is the criminal? And is he dangerous? Life, for Holmes, suddenly starts to get interesting.