The author takes you into the forgotten history of the Seabeck area.? Discover information about: Crosby, Hite?s Center, Hintzville, Camp Union, Lake William Symington, Lake Tahuya, Holly, Miami Beach, Maple Beach, Lone Rock, and Nellita. This book is a must read if you want to know about some of Kitsap County?s local history. You will read about how local places and roads acquired their names. You will learn about the Camp Union railroad,?find about how the world-known conference grounds at Seabeck started.? Other items mentioned like the can opener factory at Holly, The Nellita Resort. How and why did it start? How many large sailing ships were built there? How many sawmills were there? What happened to the brothel? What ties did Ansel Adams the photographer have to Seabeck? Was Ah Fong?s gold fact or fiction? What was the boxer Jack Dempsey doing in Camp Union? What a lot of the local people do not realize is that some of the local history is buried right up on the hill above the quiet little community of Seabeck, a mill town in Kitsap County, a region in the Northwest of the United States. There is