The Mediterranean world is central to the art and thought of Robert Graves, and the essays in this collection testify to the range, originality, and imaginative power of its representation in his work. The book is divided into three sections,"Re(-)presenting the Pas", "Robert Graves and Mallorca", and "Robert Gravess Poetry and the Mediterranean", in which the protean Graves appears in a multiplicity of roles - poet, historical novelist, classicist, mythographer, biblical scholar, translator, gardener. Graves is set in relation to scholars like the ancient historians Arnaldo Momigliano and Sir Ronald Syme and the archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, and writers as diverse as Hesiod and Rochester, Aldington and Cela. Within the shared Mediterranean theme, these fourteen essays by international specialists discuss Gravess work in terms of issues such as the boundaries between history and fiction, scholarship and imagination; the transmission of culture; the rediscovery - or reconstruction - of the past; and the writers inner and outer worlds.