The purpose of this manual is to address the need of educational teams to develop appropriate least restrictive environments in general education settings. The manual provides systematic and quantifiable tools which will allow the educational teams to evaluate their own philosophy, environments, individual student needs, as well as, individual staff and peer support.It is often the lack of ?readiness? that results in frustration for administrators, educators, parents, and most of all, the students. Careful planning and preparation is critical when placing a student with a disability in the least restrictive environment or ?inclusive? setting. Frequently only observation is used to prepare for the inclusive placement. This manual offers educators informal tools to quantifiably evaluate inclusive settings and supports. Although all these tools were originally developed for students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder they have been proven effective with student who have other disabilities.Chapter 1?provides the reader with a protocol for developing a shared vision between school staff. It is very important that t