A comprehensive knowledge of the product, considered as an essential variable in modern marketing, is a must in order to match right strategic decisions. The product and their inter-relations with other marketing variables (Such as, price, distribution and communications), are the essentials of todays Marketing Management This summary about Product Management is focused in both perspectives: strategic and operational. Product configuration is to be analyzed under a global point of view (Item/service-Brand-Positioning) as well as every element linked with the product and the product range. We will link the product concept with every strategic implication: Product life Cycle, Range analysis, Growing and competitive strategies as well as Product launch. We will go across as well the chances for different marketing decisions. INDICE Chapter 1. Product - Brand - Positioning Chapter 2. Product Range Analysis Chapter 3. Product Life Cycle Chapter 4. Development and Growth Strategies Chapter 5. Creation, Development and Launching of New Products