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La presente obra, Lecciones Fundamentales de Derecho Administrativo, ofrece por primera vez en el mercado editorial una visión global y exhaustiva del Derecho administrativo. Así, a través de una exposición clara y precisa, la obra aborda tanto las instituciones y principios que rigen la organización administrativa, sus funciones y relaciones con el ciudadano, aspectos regulados en las leyes administrativas básicas, como el estudio de la compleja legislación especial de esta rama del Derecho Público. Además, cada uno de los capítulos incorpora un anexo de jurisprudencia que ayuda a conocer la aplicación práctica de los conceptos analizados. Todos los capítulos han sido elaborados por Abogados del Estado que han trabajado en distintos ámbitos de la Administración. Por su vocación de exhaustividad y su estilo directo y accesible, se trata de una obra esencial tanto para un acercamiento académico a la materia, como para adquirir un conocimiento práctico de la misma, imprescindible para el ejercicio profesional.

This book contains everything you need to know about the business of music production from the creative aspect or publishing your own music to working with major record labels and creating your own boutique independent label. Music production is more than a hobby; this outlet has created a plethora of self-made Multi-Millionaires. Contributing to over 40 million records sold and 42 RIAA certifications and 15 Billboard Top Ten albums for Record Production, Composing, and Mixing, veteran Bad Boy Records Hit maker and Educator, Tony Dofat has documented the manual to become the next music mogul. This textbook was written to dissect commercial record production and guide the next young and passionate musicians to the road of music success.

Whether you've never picked up a gun before, are in law enforcement, or are a seasoned competitor, this book will enable you to solidify your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses in marksmanship. Unlike many other manuals, the techniques conveyed here will not only establish a strong pistol shooting foundation, but will delve into the biomechanics of every particular technique to explain why it works. You will be able to critically analyze your skills, develop the best technique for you, and drive in the muscle-memory to ensure consistency. Inside you will find: - A detailed explanation of the form and function of pistol shooting mechanics such as leverage and depth of focus. - A step-by-step introductory training program for new shooters. - Milestones, training plans & and advanced techniques for experienced shooters (movement, transitions, draws, reloads and more). - Extensive information on firearm/ammunition design, selection, modification, and maintenance. - Discussion on the mental elements of shooting. "This book covers everything that both new and experienced shooters need to know. It's not just another 'how-to.' It will guide you step-by-step to new heights." -Blake Miguez 2011 IPSC World Champion Standard Division "Shooting quickly and accurately is a tough skill to acquire. This book teaches how to develop the correct muscle memory and how to perform under pressure." -P. Burt 15 Year Veteran for a major metropolitan Sheriff's Dept.