Subject of a recent story on?NPR's Here and Now,?Our Table of Memories?is an amazing book that pairs powerful, heartfelt poetry about their native foods by high school students who are refugees from conflict zones (part of a program Stories of Arrival: Youth Voices Poetry Project), with recipes by immigrant women working with Project Feast. This book is a must for schools, teachers, lovers of poetry and food. It will touch your heart. Our Table of Memories?invites readers to consider the spicy, delicious connections between food, poetry and stories. The food-themed poetry and recipes are part of an exciting first-time collaboration between Project Feast and the Stories of Arrival: Youth Voices Poetry Project. Both serve to help refugees and immigrants share their strengths and experiences, and by doing so, literally and metaphorically nourish the larger community. This book is an ideal resource for teachers, writers, food advocates, counselors and others who support young people and cross-cultural understandings.