Not Your Mother's Goose proves that fairy tales and nursery rhymes aren't just for kids anymore. Envision it as the Cliffs Notes of children's stories ? if Cliffs Notes was overtaken by Dave Barry or the folks at The Onion. Not Your Mother's Goose is a series of totally irreverent, mega-sarcastic fairy tale recaps, along with a host of hilarious fake news stories and headlines ranging from Old MacDonald bombing on Wheel of Fortune after only buying vowels to Pinocchio succumbing to a lengthy battle with Dutch Elm Disease. Mix in illustrations reminiscent of Gary Larson's classic Far Side cartoons, and you're left with a madcap read that will leave you laughing all the way from Rumpelstiltskin's Twitter feed to Humpty Dumpty's Facebook page (where Jack is still trying to grow a beanstalk?in FarmVille).