This story delves into the mind and heart of a little girl who lived in two different worlds - one, of her white-skinned privileged American missionary parents, and the other, of the brownskinned Indian people in whose country they worked and into which she was born. The missionary lifestyle and the work of her parents are described through the eyes of the author, who spent all but 3 years of her childhood in India. Tropical illnesses, a treacherous ocean voyage, and long separations from her parents were some of the things which this daughter of missionaries survived. Living in America for three years during WWII opened up yet another world for this young girl - a world filled with wonderment and excitement, a world where her relatives lived and the place where many happy memories were created. But once back in India, America became a distant memory, a place she would not return to until she was sixteen years old. For seven intervening years she was sent away to yet another world - boarding school. It was here that she explored more than just books. Take a journey into all the different worlds of this extraordinary childhood!