Madrid has led Spain?s growth, becoming the third most important economic centre in Europe, behind London and Paris. The Region occupies less than 2% of the national territory, but is home to 14% of the total population, provides 18% of gross domestic product and is the main platform for the accentuated internationalisation of Spain?s economy. Madrid is the country?s leader in terms of employment and its income per inhabitant is more than 30% higher than the average of the 27 States of the European Union. In brief, Madrid?s economy is a strategic and primary component of Spain?s economic structure. These pages offer a comprehensive panorama of the key features of an economy characterised by this strength of leadership, in terms of its growth as well as its support for other regions. With this aim in mind, the book is separated into two complementary parts: the first part includes chapters researched by renowned experts from Spanish universities, who analyse more structural facts and features; and the second part includes chapters written by directors of departments and institutions that are responsible for designing different areas of the Region?s economic policy, presenting the different policies that have been developed by the Region?s administration. Ultimately, these pages have one main objective: to offer a faithful image of a cornerstone of Spain?s economic life, with a remarkable projection of its economy at the international level and a pronounced vocation to be the backbone of the whole country.