Ascension?is the experience of your divinity. It is the full conscious realization that you are the creator of everything in your world. You cannot be a victim. You always exist. Nothing outside of love is real. You are one with God and with Spirit. The possibility of realizing your ascension?is the major reason for your present incarnation.?The channeled messages in this book come from the ascended master Sanhia. They hold a particular power coming from one who has realized his own divinity. ?Sanhia?s expressed purpose is to support you who are on the ascension path.?This collection can serve as a workbook to support you in understanding your divine nature and allowing Spirit to direct your life. It can also help you decide if ascension is your path in this incarnation. The messages are organized under a variety of themes to allow you to focus deeply on one aspect at a time. They are designed to be read and reread to help you widen your understanding as you work with the content. The wisdom is profound.Michael Hersey has been channeling Sanhia since 1985. They have also co-created the book Ascension Numerol