''Exploring the Public City'' is a multidisciplinary Intensive Program aimed to highly motivated students in the 3rd and 4th year of the bachelor and master programs of the Faculties of Urban Design, Urban Planning, Architecture and Architectural Engineering of 6 innovative European Partner institutions. The IP has the objective to develop and exchange, each year between average 60 students and 12 teachers, innovative ideas and design - and analysis tools to tackle emerging problems in the field of public space in European cities. In order to do so, the workshop gives participants the opportunity to compare and discuss different case studies in different European cities each year. By applying a systematic pedagogical workshop approach to different cities over duration of 3 years, the effect of educational exchange is maximized and different urban conditions and contexts can be compared. The results of each workshop are published in a small book and it is being used in existing regular teaching programs at all participating universities. This publication gathers all the research developed during the course 2007-2008 and the projects done in the workshop organized by the University of Alicante in April 2008