From Cradle to Couch: Essays in Honor of the Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology of Sylvia Brody is a compilation of select papers written by distinguished authorities in the field that are specifically dedicated to the important and extensive body of work of Dr. Sylvia Brody with regard to the fields of infant, child, adolescent, developmental psychology and psychoanalysis. So extensive and far-reaching have her longitudinal investigations been that more and more research studies are now being done with infants, children and adolescents. Moreover, as a result of her dedication over many decades, there is a greater awareness and emphasis worldwide of the critical importance of understanding normal child developmental processes and of recognizing the circumstances that interfere with a child?s emotional and physical growth, as well as appreciating and fostering the intrapsychic, interpersonal, and social/cultural conditions necessary for children to thrive. ?But that is not where her contributions end. Dr. Brody has also supplied us with psychoanalytic and psychodynamic methods by which children whose ear