The present book contains a collection of essays by the members of the research group "Estudios de Narrativa en Lengua Inglesa. Historia, crítica, utopía y ciencia ficción." Its members teach English literature at the Universities of Almería and Granada and share a common interest in literary utopias. There is an introductory chapter by the Director of the Group, Miguel Martínez, on definitions and backgrounds of utopian criticism, followed by Margarita Carretero's analysis of J.R.R.Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings from the perspective of the utopian genre; then two essays by Annette Gomis on George Orwell's 1984; Mervyn Smale explores Dickens' social satire in his earliest works of fiction while Celia Wallhead is the author of the two concluding chapters on Hard Times and Nice Work, and on Babel Tower. Annette Gomis, B.A. (Trinity College), M.Sc. (Aston) & Ph.D. (Granada), teaches English at the University of Almería and has previously lectured at the Universities of Valencia and Granada. Miguel Martínez, M.A. (Granada), ACEFL (Salford) and Ph.D.(Bologna) is, since 1996, Professor of English at UALM. He has been a Fulbright Fellow at Yale and Visiting Professor at the University of Delaware.