The Diet Recipe Book: Intermittent Fasting and Metabolism Food for Weight Loss book features two diet plans the Intermittent fasting diet and the metabolism diet. The diet recipes are perfect with metabolism foods and intermittent fasting weight loss. The diet foods in these two diet meal plans help with weight loss, which are part of the metabolism diet and intermittent fasting benefits. You can start with the intermittent fasting meal plan and move on to the metabolism diet for maintenance. The Diet Recipe book contains these sections: Metabolism Diet, Metabolism Diet Allowable Foods, Metabolism Diet Avoided Foods List, How the Metabolism Diet Helps with Weight Loss, Other Foods Found to Boost Metabolism, The Best Beverage for Boosting Metabolism, The Best Beverage for Boosting Metabolism, Advice to Help Facilitate Weight Loss While on the Metabolism Diet, Sample 5 Day Menu Plan, Metabolism Diet Recipes, Breakfast Recipes, Bread Recipes, Snacks, Desserts and Appetizer Recipes, Side Dish Recipes, Main Dish Recipes, Intermittent Fast Diet, Intermittent Fast Diet Recipes, Intermittent Fasting Diet Breakfast R