If you?ve ever watched one of those ?prepper? reality TV shows, you might think that the people they portray are crazy ? or you might secretly agree with them. Della?s Diary is the story of how Della ? a normal wife, mother and writer ? slowly finds herself slipping into the prepper lifestyle. All she wants to do is protect the people she cares about, but instead she faces a growing rift with her husband, and surprising life changes. Excerpt Being a mom is a lot like being a prepper. It?s all about being prepared for the most common crises, with enough extra supplies to help you handle pretty much anything that might come your way. Although I probably should carry some peanut-free granola bars in case I ever have to feed a kid with a peanut allergy. It?s always a toss-up whether another parent is horrified when they see me feeding my son peanuts, or whether they high five me for refusing to bow down to the establishment. Maybe I need to hang around with different parents. Anyway, we?re ready. Bring on the party! Bright Little Light Press says: Della?s Diary humanizes the sometimes crazy-seeming ex