Need a private secretary?Need a record keeper?Need a super organizer??That is what lesson planners are for!?Without a doubt, lesson planners are pivotal to any classrooms: to the teachers at their desks, to the homeschooling parents sitting at the kitchen table or any inviting niche in the house. A day, a week, a month, a year planned out provide structure to learning and a blueprint to ensure that academic goals are met. Extra pages to jot down attendance, grocery lists, chores, and phone numbers, along with snippets of daily inspirational quotes make lesson planners a must-have for all who understand that organization must start first in your mind. Hence the yearly trial-and-error search for lesson planners that will work for them.?But how about the students themselves? As much as teachers are trying to organize the day-to-days of teaching, shouldn?t students take ownership of their day-to-day learning and draft up their learning plan? They too need a private secretary, a record keeper, and a super organizer.?If students are encouraged to be self-motivated independent learners, they need their own lesson p