
Vohkadeh, the young Mandan, is galloping towards a blockhouse in the Black Hills to let Martin Baumann know that the Oglala had captured his father, Bear Hunter, and plan to execute him at the next full moon. Martin, Shortleg Frank (Bear Hunter's business partner), Bob (their servant), Tubby Jemmy and Long Davy (the experienced Westerners) start off with Vohkadeh to rescue Bear Hunter. On their way Old Shatterhand, the legend of the West, and Winnetou, the chief of the Apache join the mission. The group keeps on growing as a band of the Shoshone, and a band of the Absaroka also agree to help them. On the way to the scene of the final whodunit, the beautiful Yellowstone National Park, they encounter many exciting and amusing adventures, and thus there are enough opportunities for each of them to carry out heroic deeds. This unabridged English translation retains the exciting adventures, and the strong moral conviction of May's original book, while modernising the style, and editing parts that were erroneous or may evoke bad associations. With this editing the core of May's world, the action, the dreaming of heroic deeds, and the struggle for a kind of justice have become more emphasised, and more accessible to the modern reader.

Jed Chance and Craig Mullins are two Civil War Veterans intent on starting a horse ranch in Texas in 1873. But after witnessing a bank robbery and abduction of two young women in Dallas, the men's plans suddenly change. The pleas and offer of a sizeable reward from a desparate and rich matriarch to bring back her granddaughters, or avenge their deaths, convince Jed and Craig to take on this job. The outlaws, who are known to Jed and Craig, are mean and dangerous. But Jed, a big man, experienced and fast with a gun, makes a promise: Hell waits for those on the wrong side of the law. 

Ocho autores se dan cita en el salón del Extraño Oeste para rendir tributo a la tradición literaria del western desde el terror, la fantasía y la ciencia ficción. Ocho relatos largos donde estos pistoleros conseguirán atrapar al lector a partir de sus universos particulares con un único punto en común: la aridez del oeste americano y su reinterpretación. Ocho historias para ocho forajidos que juegan, desafiantes, con los límites del relato clásico; que nos introducen en la literatura weird y en el western punk para entregarnos una nueva y alucinada visión del tan extraño como lejano oeste.

Coyote es una soñadora y una reina del drama, descarada y valerosa, fiel pero ferozmente independiente. Toca su propio tambor y cose sus propios tops. Es una jinete dotada, mitad perro, mitad coyote y toda poder. Junto con su fiel corcel, Rojo, nada es demasiado grande para ella. Pero cuando Coyote y Rojo se ven obligados a huir de un trío de perros vengativos, son asaeteados y se separan trágicamente, nuestra protagonista se verá luchando por su vida y anhelando a su mejor amigo. 'Coyote Doggirl', primera obra publicada en castellano de la autora, es a la vez, sátira y homenaje a clásicos del western como 'Dos hombres y un destino'. Contada con el personal estilo y colores de Lisa Hanawalt, 'Coyote Doggirl' no es sólo una parodia del western, sino una historia profundamente personal contada por una autora llena de talento, cocreadora de las series de Netflix 'BoJack Horseman' y 'Tuca y Bertie'.

Former U. S. Marshal Tom Alvarez wonders why he's come to Denver for this gathering of the "old boys," the lawmen who tamed the West. This flint-hard straight shooter has little interest in yarns spun by the likes of self-promoter Wyatt Earp, or in the company of blowhard Ben Comstock and alcoholic Arnold Toothacker. Yet suddenly, Alvarez finds himself in the middle of one final deadly adventure. When an old friend gets caught up in a prostitute's murder and sinister forces put more than one of the old boys' lives in grave danger, Alvarez knows he must act--even though it must be outside the law and could well be the last thing he ever does. Peopled with the famous and not-so-famous lawmen from bygone days and even the showman Buffalo Bill Cody, The Old Boys pits the code of the Old West against the moral decay of a new and even more dangerous age.