It?s easy to say the word ?faith,? but it?s an entirely different thing to practice faith day to day, moment to moment. In Faith in Action, Bishop Richard Howell challenges you to adopt a mindset of placing God?s plan before your own. If you think faith is about praying for blessings, or is a measurement of how much you love the Lord, you?re wrong. In these pages lies a simple refresher course on the true definition of faith?one that will reinvigorate your prayer life and provide actual steps to demonstrate your faith every day. Faith in Action offers an intimate look at a faith that provides the transformation that Jesus wanted for our lives so that we could all experience the peace, joy, and contentment that only God can provide.?
Living in two worlds at the same time, each with its distinctive culture, is a real challenge for contemporary Christians. Hard choices are not optional, they are mandatory. The present world culture formed by human wisdom is exerting great pressure on Christian identity; the changes in Christianity identity? are not necessarily the result of violent action as much as careless cultural assimilation. The clear message interwoven throughout apostolic writings in the NT identifies two issues common to first- century Christians and which are becoming increasingly more relevant to Christians in the twenty-first century: 1. being persecuted for their distinctive Christian beliefs 2. being tempted to assimilate into the dominant current culture
The voice of the Creator is all around us. He speaks to us through His living and active Word, which is full of riches and truth, awaiting our discovery. He also speaks to us in the whisper of the wind, and the sparkle of the misty morning dew. We were created for relationship with God and His pursuit of us is endless and relentless. He longs to communicate with every heart that will seek Him.Join Sherolyn in her search for intimate relationship with the Creator?her quest for Hidden Treasure. Journey with her to a deeper walk with the One who loves all of us beyond what we can think or imagine. He mends the broken, comforts the hurting and exchanges beauty for our ashes. He is waiting for you too.
Your Future Is In Your Hand seeks to remind everyone Believers and Unbelievers that God our heavenly father has given each and every one gift and talent as a seed which can produce greater things in their lives that they can live on. It further demonstrates that in this life, many are struggling and crying for what to live on while they are sitting on pot of gold.
Kevin Cann?s book is about managing God?s resources through Kingdom Principles. This is done by the leading of the Holy Spirit instead of our flesh. In the natural realm our flesh is in control, but in the supernatural realm, God is in control. Using Kingdom Principles will set us free from our flesh and allow God to bless us.
This book explains why mankind exist and why God created us. It identifies why it is necessary to be the kind of worshipper that God intends for us to be. Moreover, it brings clarity to the fact that worship goes beyond just what we do in church or just going through the emotions of singing songs to represent our worship. It also identifies the power in your worship life and why the devil is after your praise. Is worship just singing a song? Is there a specific time to worship? The capsules in here are necessary for our worship life style.
Surrender It All to Gain It AllBraRysheyia, desires to inspire young women, young men, and everyone else to become well acquainted with our Lord and Savior. Getting to know the Lord is the best thing we, the people, could ever do. God?s presence, guidance, protection, and truth during our young lives is something so powerful that we should seek to experience it ourselves. We are the chosen people. God chose each us before we were born to be Holy, Blameless, and Adopted into His Kingdom by Him as His children (Ephesians 1:4-5). Who does not want to live a worry and trouble free life? Nobody. What keeps most people from going all in? Everything that has been placed above God. When is the right time? The time is NOW! Why not surrender it all to gain it all? Do NOT let fear stop you from living the life God wants you to live. How can you live the chosen life? Read the message in this book.Be a Chosen One
God loves to take territory. We are meant to co-labor with Him to drive the enemy from the land. What the Lord did in the Old Testament through the sword of steel in the hands of His people, He will do in this hour through the sword of the Spirit in the mouths of His faithful. Operation Prayer Strike is a powerful, in-depth course focused on targeted prayer and intercession to tear down strongholds of the enemy, release the glory of the Lord, and break open regions. You will learn to hear the voice of God and receive His victory strategies while being mentored and activated in all manner of prayer. You will discover how to decree and declare the Lord?s plans and purposes for a region, releasing strategic intercession that demolishes demonic strongholds and establishes the things of the Kingdom. Lives will be changed, regions will be transformed, and you will be a significant part of all He is doing! ?
La santidad no es algo reservado a unas cuantas personas que idealizamos y que, en apariencia, jamás tienen dificultades en sus vidas, ni se equivocan nunca. Eso no es real. La santidad es para todos. ¡Estamos llamados a ser luz en medio del mundo! ¡Arder! ¡Arder! ¡Arder! ¡La santidad es arder! ¡Y tiene que ser pronto y definitivo! Las medias tintas no valen para nada: o santos o mediocres. No hay más. ¡Solo la llama de Dios traerá la luz a las tinieblas! En estas páginas el autor propone que seas revolucionario. ¿Cómo? Eligiendo ser santo. Es lo mejor que nadie te ha propuesto jamás. Todos estamos llamados a la santidad y a poner lo que falta de Dios en el lugar y el tiempo en el que vivimos. Pregúntate qué es lo que falta de esperanza, de fe y de caridad en el entorno que te rodea. ¿Qué falta de Dios en tu familia, en tus amigos, en tu lugar de estudio, en tu trabajo, en tu grupo de la parroquia? Seguro que se te ocurren muchas cosas pequeñas y muy concretas. Ponlas con actos sencillos de amor y estarás haciéndote santo. Así de sencillo y así de precioso es. La santidad no es que merezca la pena, ¡es que
This is a collection of psalms, songs, declarations and other worship expressions with the Lord that stir the heart of the Bride for the King. Many have asked me over the years, "When do you think He is coming?" The Lord spoke to my heart, "Watch the Bride! For she is a mere reflection of the King and the closer He is to her the more Glorious she shall become! Watch the Bride!" Allow these poetic ponderings to sweep you away in holy preparation for a personal encounter and visitation with the King Himself! Allow your heart to be awakened to the passionate longing for your king for you! Celebrate as the remnant bride who is long for more...the kiss...the embrace...the dance...Come away with me.
Hey! Daughter of the Most High God, you have what it takes to live a victorious life. You do not have to pay homage to your challenges, insecurities, weaknesses and limitations. God loves you dearly. He is not limited by your limitations, hindered by your hindrances or frustrated by your frustrations. With him on your side you can rise above any situation designed to hamper your progress. You are destined to scale greater heights in every aspect of your life. Learn valuable practical principles from the biblical women in this book, be inspired to defy your limitations. Higher ground is waiting for you!
My Notebook on Prayer and Intercession has been written to share the things the author herself did not know, or understand about how prayer and intercession is a call from God's own heart; a call to worship Him through prayer and intercession. Beginning as a tool for the author to share with her own children what the difference was between prayer and intercession. During the writing of My Notebook the author was encouraged to expand the range of the book to reach anyone who had an interest in prayer and intercession. My Notebook on Prayer and Intercession contains the author's own insights into how prayer and intercession is more than just talking to God about the needs of her family and friends. For the author prayer and intercession has become a time to communicate and celebrate with God; it has become a time to worship and praise God for the people, and situations, He put on her heart. The author encourages you today to seek a deeper more meaningful life by discovering all that is on God's own heart through prayer and intercession.
En el proceso de renovación temática y metodológica experimentado por la historia, los estudios sobre las mujeres han cobrado especial protagonismo, y entre ellos destacan las investigaciones sobre religiosidad. Tanto que, en algunos casos, el pasado de las monjas es conocido casi mejor que el de los frailes. Sin embargo, no ocurre lo mismo con las dominicas en los territorios de la antigua Provincia de Aragón, y de manera especial en Valencia, pues su memoria escrita quedó desperdigada a causa de los desastres bélicos y las convulsiones políticas contemporáneas. El presente libro rescata al menos conocido de todos los monasterios, el convento de Nuestra Señora de Belén, fundado con el declinar de la decimoséptima centuria por sor Inés del Espíritu Santo, en el siglo Sisternes de Oblites, sin duda la dominica valenciana más ilustre de todos los tiempos.
Todos los humanos somos herederos, nos hallamos inscritos en una comunidad de memoria cultural. El elemento religioso de la nuestra procede del cristianismo. Pertenecemos a esta «comunidad de memoria». Aunque nadie puede borrar de un plumazo las herencias positivas o negativas del mundo de sus predecesores, vivimos una dinámica más o menos deseada de desenraizamiento, en especial de la herencia religiosa. No quería que nuestros nietos (todos somos nietos) perdieran algo que ni siquiera pudieron aceptar o rechazar porque no lo llegaron a conocer. «¿Cómo creerán en aquel de quien no oyeron hablar? ¿Y cómo van a oír su mensaje si nadie lo proclama?» Carta de Pablo de Tarso a los cristianos de Roma 10,14. (Año 55 d.C.) La
En un mundo en el que priman la soberbia, las apariencias y la vanidad, la humildad se ha convertido en una rara joya ética o de la libertad. Resulta difícil de hallar; es excepcional y preciosa. Sin embargo, sigue habiendo personas en el mundo que desean "vivir" la humildad. Pero, ¿cómo conciliarla con nuestro propio deseo de individualidad e independencia? Este libro reflexiona sobre el sentido mismo de la humildad, su relación con el amor y su pertinencia frente al nihilismo, que la juzga como una "virtud de esclavos". Su autor nos enseña que quien vive la humildad, lejos de convertirse en un esclavo, alcanza su identidad personal de forma plena.