Con afecto y esperanza se ofrecen aquí estas breves reflexiones a la consideración o discusión de personas y grupos que, tanto en España como en las Américas, se preguntan sobre su responsabilidad con relación a la dignidad humana. Este libro pretende evocar de forma muy sencilla, algunos de los documentos que constituyen la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, al tiempo que ofrece a la reflexión un abanico de los desafíos éticos más frecuentes en estos tiempos. En estos temas cabe preguntarse en qué se apoya la Iglesia para emitir su opinión. Pues bien, la Iglesia afirma una y otra vez que el punto de apoyo de su reflexión no es otro que la misma constitución de la naturaleza humana. José-Román Flecha es sacerdote de la diócesis de León (España). Ha sido Decano de Teología en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Hoy se dedica a impartir cursos de formación por diversas Iglesias particulares de España, de Estados Unidos, de Chile y, en general, de América Latina. En EDITORIAL CCS ha publicado: Comentario al Credo de los Apóstoles, El camino del amor, La conciencia, Ecología y fe cristiana, La esperanza, La misericordia, La sexualidad.
Have you got an interest in the prophetic? Have you received the ability to give personal prophecies? Do you think that you may be called to be a prophet or a prophetess? Do you want to get an idea about the prophetic and find out some things about personal prophecy? Well you have come to the right place. This book has been lovingly written for the person who is very new to the prophetic. Are you beginning? Do you want to know what it takes to become a prophet who has become accurate and competent in delivering prophetic words and other duties of a prophet? In this book you will: * Learn the many advantages of personal prophecy * The effect prophecy has on people * What will be required of you to become a prophet * See that the path to becoming a prophet isn't an easy one. Come and explore what your life will look like as a prophet. Come and get a glimpse into what you can expect. Take some time out to be encouraged to continue on your own prophetic journey from someone that has been before you.
Pride and Humility: A Guide to Better Understanding Yourself and Others was written to help people discover where pride has infected their life and how to develop humility instead. The study spends six weeks taking an honest look at six varieties of pride, including the pride of self-sufficiency, the pride of rebellion, the pride of insecurity, the pride of stubbornness, the pride of superiority, and the pride that is not a sin. Following this journey, six weeks are spent contemplating what it means to grow in humility.?
31 Biblical devotions on God's Heart for Children. Ray Hawkins has a heart for children. In these devotions he quotes scripture and helps us really meditate on God's heart for children. Rediscover God's Word about children. Refresh your heart with God's love for Children. Rekindle passion to be their example for Christ honour. Reflect on God's special Interest.
A Promise of Change in 50 Days! Why this book? Why now? This is not only the Jewish Year of Jubilee, it is my husband?s and my 50th wedding anniversary. I believe it is God?s timing for these prophetic words to come to pass. If you are hungry for more, you will love this book. Spend the next 50 days of focus within the pages of this book and you will experience Jubilee?a transform into greater revelation and faith for your destiny in your generation, and to see amazing prophetic words come to pass in your life Get to know God, the Trinity, in a fresh new way. Become more than you?ve ever expected you could be and have a greater impact in this world for Christ that you ever dreamed possible.
If what you are believing is not the truth, wouldn't you want to know? From our early years we are taught what to believe. But often, the actual reasons for believing are left out, and the result is tragic. The what-to can be not-true and misleading, and we miss the maximized life. The Bible states that there is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is death. The truth will set us free and help us upgrade our personal, family and professional lives. This book will assist you as the reader in knowing how to stalk, get, and retain the truth. Join the author in going from being a negative person, to having a positive, fulfilled life. ? About the Author Victor Costa is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Business Administration. He entered the Junior Executive Training program at AT&T in 1961 and retired over thirty-two years later as a Division Manager. He has presented a motivation strategy across the United States entitled Thank God It's Monday! He has also presented ?Listening is Hard Work but Yields High Return!? Victor is an Ac
What are the most important relationships in your life?How do those relationships shape your identity?What does the Bible say about how those relationships thrive?What do they teach us about the nature and character of God?The Relational God began with the question, ?If God could have created us to be in any sort of relationships, why did He create us to be children, spouses, siblings, and parents?? Because our identities are so closely tied to those relationships, we often don?t take time to consider what they may actually be meant to show us. Perhaps God wants us to understand something more through our identities as sons and daughters, our identities as husbands and wives, our identities as brothers and sisters, and our identities as fathers and mothers.The Relational God considers our common experiences in these relationships and then looks at Biblical narratives which challenge and support those experiences. The book then distills down the Biblical commands for each of those relationships in order to determine what doing them right might teach us about the nature and character of God.What we discover is
God-Sized Dreams: The Story Of A Little Black Girl From The South Side Of Chicago, tells the story of a highly sensitive little black girl who from a young age, felt insecure in her own skin and struggled with low self-esteem and low self-worth for most of her life. With a front row seat, she witnessed the crumbling and eventual demise of her parents' marriage and loss of their familial identity. During those years, she felt like an island and was plagued with a dark, mysterious unhappiness. In a desperate attempt to counter these negative feelings, the author charted a course to live her dreams,' or so she thought. She sought the approval of men, and when it was not provided she felt like a failure. This book chronicles how the author navigated through the storms of her life. Believing she had it all worked out, operating in her own strength, she learned after many trials and setbacks that perhaps she was not actually living her dream.' When she accepted that God had a dream much bigger than she could ever imagine, miraculous things began to unfold in her life. God-Sized Dreams will encourage you i
The purpose of Learning to Love the Master is to encourage Christ-followers at all stages of life and faith to find the fingerprints of the Master Potter on their lives where they have not had eyes to see them before. If you are new in your faith, it could be difficult to believe that God has been involved in your story before you bowed your knee to His Lordship. But this couldn?t be further from the truth. For those who have journeyed longer in their faith in Christ, Learning to Love the Master will help you not only to develop ?eyes that see? God?s movement in your life, but also to gain the courage to invite others on a journey with you to the feet of the Master. All too often, those who have been Christians for a significant period of time feel that they have nothing to offer. Or they feel that they do not know where to begin with a younger believer. However, each mature follower of Christ possesses a storehouse of rich experiences with the Master which they need only recognize to access. As you consider mentoring another in the faith, often your reluctance is because you may not be practicing in your ow
It?s time to end the culture wars! ? We live in a polarized world with people moving to extreme ends of the cultural spectrum.? Culture, religion and politics have collided in unprecedented ways and the world is becoming increasingly unstable.? In the midst of all of this chaos Christians need to figure out how to be the light of the world that Jesus called us to be.? Unfortunately division within the body of Christ is almost as strong as it is in the world.? The cultural lens through which we see the world significantly impacts how we interpret the Christian faith.? We all grow up influenced by prevalent ideas, customs and social behaviors that leave an indelible mark on us.?? In many cases it is difficult to see where culture ends and Christianity begins.? Christ versus Culture examines the liberal and conservative responses to the culture wars and presents a biblical basis for Christians to engage with the world.? By closely studying how Jesus lived the book posits that there is an alternative to the extremes observed today. ? Feyi Boroffice, a Harvard Business School trained MBA,is an advisor to chur
Es el deseo de Dios hacerse conocer. Le place?revelarse a S? mismo a aquellos que lo buscan y realmente quieren conocerle y tener una relaci?n ?ntima con ?l.Dios se esconde ? como un tesoro escondido - pero le encanta ser encontrado porque despu?s de una b?squeda larga, el gozo del encuentro es mucho mayor. Y cuando has encontrado a tu Amado en esa relaci?n estrecha y ?nica, no soltar?s lo que te cost? tanto obtener. Es tu tesoro y nadie te lo puede arrebatar; es tuyo para siempre.Este?libro tiene como fin alentarte a conocer m?s a Dios.
This is a translation of LIfestyle of Liberty Workbook which is to accompany the classes/workshop or CDs. The class is delivered in English and Spanish. ?Subjects include the understanding the immensity of our salvation as well as?our power, victory and authority in spiritual warfare. ?Tools are given to make the workbook a practical help to being victorious on a daily basis.
While facing the failure of her marriage, Diana struggles with her new life. Her choice to live as the world expects leaves her with another sense of failure. As she finds her way back to her core beliefs she begins to experience success in her professional life and at the same she encounters God in a new way. During a midlife crisis Diana discovers that she is called to serve God. Her now married daughter has left. She is at a place of redefining herself, while at the same time learning more about God's Word. Diana realizes that all of God's people are called to serve Him, though not always in a professional sense. She learns that when we put our failures behind us and quit offering excuses, we will find our role in God's Kingdom. Your calling today may be to lead your family. It may also be the most important task you will ever have. Diana will tell you to enjoy this time, it is short. She has found that to be a Christian means to be who you are in Christ no matter the relationship, or the circumstance. The first pastor who influenced her told her, "If you can take Jesus with you, it's OK. If not, d