In this book on practical antibiotherapy in swine medicine, the author has tried to present, in a visual and practical way and with an updated view, the most important aspects a veterinary clinician should take into account to design appropriate antimicrobial treatments in swine herds. Thus, in this work, current pharmacological knowledge is reviewed with the help of real clinical cases solved by the author. Finally, it includes a comprehensive review of what a prudent use of these essential tools to ensure our animals? health means. This book has been prepared with all the veterinary professionals who dedicate themselves to clinical practice in mind, with the idea that it may be a useful reference tool. In addition, the author has structured the content in a way that will allow clinicians to reflect on the reasons for administering a particular drug treatment and to carry out a self-assessment of their work.
El periparto puede considerarse como el momento más importante del ciclo productivo de una vaca. Las enfermedades o trastornos que aparecen durante este periodo no son sucesos independientes, sino que normalmente responden a la interacción de varios factores. En el libro ?El periparto de la vaca: apuntes prácticos? los autores hacen hincapié en la importancia de valorar las patologías del ganado vacuno como un todo, para que así el clínico consiga adelantarse a los problemas que puedan aparecer durante el preparto, el parto y el posparto de la vaca.