Las cientos de imágenes que pueblan el libro ¡Afuera! recogen testimonios de lo que fue la muestra internacional de arte contemporáneo que organizó en octubre de 2010 el Centro Cultural España Córdoba y que convirtió a la ciudad –calles, plazas y edificios– en el escenario de una multitud de intervenciones, puestas e investigaciones artísticas; sacudió el hollín acumulado por la rutina en el espacio público y provocó un estallido de color. Al menos eso es lo que el libro devuelve, aunque no todos los cordobeses hayan asistido al alboroto. (Revista Ñ)

La restauración del Paraninfo de la Universidad de Deusto, realizada en 2017, nos permite observar con una nueva nitidez el esplendor de este Salón académico, cuya belleza decorativa es rememorada por muchos profesores y estudiantes que han protagonizado allí momentos culminantes de su vida universitaria. Pero, además, la solemnidad de esta Sedes Sapientiae no deja indiferente a quien acude a este lugar. Autoridades, conferenciantes y artistas que se han dirigido al público desde su estrado, recuerdan esta estancia con respeto, por ser el escenario en el que se han celebrado los hitos más importantes de la historia de Deusto. El énfasis visual del libro sugiere redescubrir este acogedor espacio, que contiene un relato encriptado, propio de su época, con imágenes alegóricas del humanismo cristiano que, sin embargo, evocan el ideal universitario vigente, basado en el estudio y la ciencia.

Texan adventurers have invaded Cuba. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Minister, is outraged and sends in the Royal Navy. President Fillmore is dismayed at the news of hostile warships so close to US shores. He threatens to invade Canada unless the Brirish withdraw. Lord Palmerston thinks he is bluffing and ignores him - but Congress will not let the president back down. It was a war that nobody wanted but which no-one knows how to stop. The United States has a battle-hardened army, daring commanders and an excellent railroad network. The British have the best navy in the world, but only a few army regiments in Canada. They have not fought a major war since they defeated Napoleon. The president, hoping for a quick victory, orders the army to attack without any preparations. They are repulsed and both sides settle down for the long haul. The Canadians build a fortress on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, to protect Montreal. Charles Lloyd is sent out from Britain to improve communications between the governor and the general. He had expected to serve the governor in Quebec and is disgusted when he is sent to Montreal, the target for the American attacks. George Eastman is a half-breed Abenaki Indian. He is a drifter who has joined the army to prove that he can achieve something in his life. He had expected to be sent to the fort but instead his company is sent behind enemy lines to attack the railroads. Most of his companions are countrymen but George grew up in the city. He doubts that he can cope. Miss Grace was educated in a convent. She is recruited by Mr. Lloyd to write despatches. It seems boring, but she soon realises that the task has unexpected dangers.  Harry Newbegin was a dilettante in Germany until he chose the wrong side in the revolution of 1848. Now he scratches a living as a journalist in New York. He can see that the war is unpopular. Unscrupulous politicians are encouraging impoverished immigrants to defy the authorities. Is Harry going to see barricades on the streets of New York? 

Aquest llibre, resultat d’una exhaustiva recerca, ofereix un primer inventari de la producció iconogràfica que les famoses batalles han generat durant dos segles. L’obra estudia també la fortuna que els fets del Bruc i la seva mitificació han tingut al llarg de la història i el seu reflex en la iconografia.

Disfrute de las instalaciones artísticas ambientales de Christo y Jeanne-Claude con este conjunto de 25 postales que incluyen las obras más destacadas de la pareja de artistas, así como fotografías y bosquejos de The Floating Piers (Los muelles flotantes).

In this, the third book of the GwenSeven Saga, the story continues…or does it? The story here is relived, but seen through different eyes. Another point of view means creating a whole new reality. Some secrets are revealed, but what was known is now unknown; the story tilts on its axis and enters a whole new dimension. The Dragons, cyborganic starships that are able to cross space and time, are still the most powerful weapons in the universe – and still controlled by the IGC. The artificial humans created by the GwenSeven Corporation that call themselves Chimera still fight for their autonomy.  Everyone is searching. Searching for answers,searching for the truth. Searching for the stolen eggs of the Beryl Dragon. Those that struggle for power reap condemnation, while those that battle for love find unexpected redemption.