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Cyborga irudia, ideia edo metafora ez ezik, gauza erreal gisa ere erabiltzen du egileak. Zuk, nik, edozein gizakik teknologiarekin duen harremana, erabat barneraturikoa eta ia-ia beharrezkoa, islatzen du. Denok gara cyborgak neurri batean edo bestean eta hori abiapuntu bezala onartu beharko genuke. Baina nola? Hain zuzen ere otzanak ez izaten ahalegintzen. Hori da liburuaren bigarren abiapuntua, oso otzanak gara oro har, eta are gehiago oraindik teknologien aurrean erakusten dugun jarreran. Hortaz, liburuak hiru nozio gakoen inguruan hausnartzen du: gizakia, makina eta otzantasuna. Horiekin esperimentatzen du eta bost laborategi desberdinetan kokatzen ditu kontzeptuok. Horrela, lehendabizikoak fikzioaren lur mugikorra ezkutatzen du. Egon dira eta badaude cyborgari buruzko fikziozko istorio ugari, eta denak dira cyborgaren ideiaren parte neurri batean.
The Newark Steam Man, Eric the mechanical man, Cygan the gigantic robot, WABOT-1 the intelligent anthrobot, REEM the humanoid service robot, ASIMO the little humanoid robot and Robonaut 2 the astronaut are only a few unique creations in the history of robotics. However, they outline the dramatic evolution that has occurred in robots over the past 150 years, and to an extent, their miniature robot counterparts in the toy kingdom also reflect this incredible diversity.Science fiction tales of robotic entities, such as sophisticated intelligent androids and gynoids, global communication networks controlled entirely by artificial intelligences, and even Space Age cartoons such as The Jetsons provide supporting insights into this evolutionary transition throughout the book.The 21st century is already experiencing innovative robotic advancements in development of artificially intelligent synthetic lifeforms and transforming many sectors of our society, particularly in the manufacturing, healthcare and hospitality industries as well as the worldwide Internet. Are we prepared for a society of emerging ?intelligent?