Welcome to the land of enchantment, where fireflies glow and children grow.? Fireflies are the natural fireworks of heaven, like diamonds glistening in the night. Enjoy the adventure as you wander through firefly land. ?
Amodovou é unha tartaruga. Cada tartaruga, como cada persoa, ten o seu propio ritmo. Cando aprendeu a camiñar, Amodovou soubo que quería percorrer o mundo para sentir a súa música. E os paxaros, que de melodías entenden moito, foron acompañándoa na viaxe. Amodovou vai descubrir que ás veces é moi difícil ir sempre cara adiante, pero ela, valente e destemida, debuxará un sorriso na súa cara engurrada e escollerá o seu destino.
El món és ple, ple, ple d´animals. N´hi ha de petits, n´hi ha de gegants, n´hi ha de rabiüts i n´hi ha de simpàtics. Alguns caminen per terra, d´altres fan bombolles sota l´aigua i alguns volen per l´aire.
Els animals tornen a l'escola, avui és el primer dia! A l'hora d'entrar, els cargols, tímids, s'amaguen dins la closca. Al petit elefant li pesa massa la motxilla i alguns dels cocodrils ploren. I els ratolins, els llops i els ossos, què fan quan tornen a l'escola?
Two Baby Buffalo is an adorable rhyming story about two buffalo and their silly day. Children will love the rhymes and illustrations.? Two baby buffalo wake up at dawn, Two baby buffalo let out a yawn. The sun has risen, its a brand new day, The sun is up! its time to play!
Set in a garden far, far away, The Dancing Garden tells the story of Xiaohui, a butterfly on a journey of self-discovery. Believing she is not as attractive as the other insects in the garden, Xiaohui is initially envious of her charming friend, Mimi the bee, who also seems to be good at many things. However, with help and encouragement from Mimi, Xiaohui eventually comes to realise that everyone is unique in their own way, and discovers where her own strength lies!????????????????????,???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????,????????,?????????,?????????? ??,???????????????? ??,???????,?????????,????????????!
Spicy continues to keep her pen pal Rainey entertained with stories and poems of her life with four feline housemates. In Love and Purrs, Spicy uses poetry to describe a fun visit she had with her human friend Lyla, who loves cats, and when they all hid, except Spicy, of course, Lyla and Mother went looking for them. Where were they hiding? Spicy also shares memories of her Auntie Kiki, a beautiful Siamese, and has set to rhyme the story of a zany afternoon when playtime went haywire for Kiki and her mama. Spicy has stories about games she plays, Tinker's career (Can you believe that?), and the time she wanted a pet of her own. Spicy hopes these events in her life will help you to appreciate the great moments in your own life and to build special memories with your family and friends. Rainey sends her love. Enjoy!
Buddy and Bea is a gentle, caring, loving and inspirational story about the Circle of Life that will foster happy emotions. It is the tale of two friends named Buddy (the leaf) and Bea (the bird), and the special relationship they created. Buddy and Bea have a remarkable friendship, where the readers will adore and fall in love with them through their magical journey. Bea watches Buddy blossom from a tree branch, mature into a leaf, and grow old with beautiful colors until Buddy falls from the tree at the end of autumn. The love and bond they share is something special. The main objective of this book is to educate children on life and loss in a non-threatening manner. Buddy and Bea is a heartwarming story that is simply enjoyable to read. A child does not need to experience loss to enjoy this uplifting story.
Monny woke up one morning and decided that he was going to take a trip around the?world, to see other animals that looked different than himself. Grab your imagination and follow Monny on his journey around the world.
In this highly anticipated addition to Volume 1, Zen Pig teaches others about the marvels of nature unlocked through mindfulness. Partnering with non-profit Mocha Club, each copy sold provides 1?person?access to clean water for 1 year.
"Oh roar, Aurora Borealis!" shout Winter's legions to their rulers. Who rules earth? The Kingdoms of the Seasons. Who rules?Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn? Each Season's?King,?Queen, Royal Family and legions in Nature. And who have?the Seasons relied?on since earth's birth?for intel? Me, Sir Windham the North Wind, Head of Earth's Wind Family. But what happened?when humans introduced?their?terrifying Fifth Season? You already know. You are living it. Step into THE KINGDOM OF WINTER to see how we in Nature are fighting back. (Shh, book 2,?THE KINGDOM OF SPRING is coming soon!) ??Sir Windham, Counsellor to the Kingdoms of the Seasons???Read the National Geographic review!? https://blog.nationalgeographic.org/2017/11/01/a-novel-approach-to-climate-change-education-the-kingdom-of-winter-a-book-review/?
La ballena Dora ve en un barco hundido en las profundidades del mar a un amigo misterioso, pero cuando entra a buscarlo ya no está. ¡Ahí comienza su aventura!: encontrar a ese amigo desconocido. Una cigala rosa muy simpática, un espinoso pez globo o una sonriente tortuga son algunos de los animales que encontrará y que le ayudarán en su búsqueda, convirtiéndose en muy buenos amigos. Acompañando a la ballena Dora los niños aprenderán a contar y conocerá n algunos animales marinos de una manera divertida. Además este original libro incluye al final un sorprendente pop-up.
Eleven year-old Drew Montgomery has not, does not, and will not ever want a stupid old rabbit. All they do is sit in their cages, eat carrots, and poop. Then his annoying little sister blackmails him into hiding a bunny in his closet. She knows what really happened to his "stolen" bike and she's threatening to tell. Now Drew?s in a real jam. If his "No pets!" parents find the rabbit or, worse, his sister blabs the truth, he'll be grounded till grade seven for sure. And if that?s not enough trouble, two girls at school drag him into a prank war that goes from bad to worse--and it's all the rabbit?s fault. Plus, the weirdest girl in his class wants to be his science partner. If she tells him she wants to be his girlfriend, he just knows he?s gonna die. Drew must find a way to outwit the mean girls, wiggle out of the blackmail deal, and get rid of the rabbit before it destroys his bedroom and his life.
La cebra Debra está desesperada porque no le gustan sus rayas y quiere cambiar su aspecto. Se pone un vestido de lunares para parecerse a un leopardo, zapatos de tacón para ser tan alta como una jirafa, pestañas postizas para tener los ojos tan bonitos como los de una vaca, e incluso se disfraza de unicornio... ¡rosa!, hasta que un nuevo amigo la convence de que lo más bello está en el interior.