Relatos sobre animales (infantil/juvenil)

Uncle Allen’s Tales is a collection of fables, each with a moral. Journey through life’s dilemmas with the colorful animals that race, waddle, and leap through these pages! From a fast-footed kangaroo to a smart-mouthed moose, each creature has a story to tell and a lesson to teach. These intriguing characters will tickle the imagination and teach simple truths, ones that children and adults face every day. Inside are thirty charming and entertaining stories that children of all ages will love!

The forest needs to mend its relationship with fire. A forest fire has struck and burned down all the wood. Will the forest grow back? What will the plants, animal's and people do? Discover the secret relationships between forests, fire, and wildlands. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a forest with and without fire.    Experience the magic that can be held in the seed and roots of plants. Experience the destruction that can be caused by catastrophic fires.  Can the forest recover?

In a world driven by devices, this beautiful story invites all to reconnect with nature and each other.The lyrical story follows a mother and child into the woods. Away from life and all it's distractions, they find adventure, fun, and healing. The extraordinary and unique illustrations document their physical transformation as they get closer to nature, and the words inspire all to take a step outdoors.A beautiful story all year round—but it’s especially poignant for spring, summer and Earth Day celebrations.Won't you come along?   

Can a dog and a chicken be friends? On his first day at Huckleberry Farm, Wooly wants to make some new friends. He hears a rooster crowing and decides that the chickens would be perfect! But Butterscotch is in charge of the chicken coop and is not sure that a big dog is the right kind of friend for his flock. Can Wooly convince him to be friends? Come along with Wooly as he meets the farm's chickens and discovers how unique and interesting chickens can be!

¿Por qué los flamencos tienen las patas coloradas? ¿Pueden ser las hormigas peligrosas? ¿Cómo son los coatís? Estos y otros animales son los protagonistas de los cuentos del gran escritor uruguayo, solos o con humanos, pero siempre con la selva al fondo.

Estàs envoltat de mutants! Has decidit passar les vacances al poblet del teu avi. Però un cop allà descobreixes que uns mutants horribles n'han pres el control. S'han estès per tot el poble: els carrers, l'institut, els camps de cultiu... Pertot arreu! és una plaga! Hauràs de ser valent i intentar aturar el brot d'infectats ara que només comença...

Direu que els gossos no sabem escriure, i és cert; però el meu amo passa moltes hores escrivint i li agrada fer-ho; per això, per fer-lo content, li he dictat les meues memòrie. No sabeu quantes coses m'he d'inventar cada dia per distreure'l, per protegir-lo dels gats... Ai, com costa d'ensinistrar els amos!

Millor llibre infantil de l'any segons The Washington Post,, Working Mother… De Brendan Wenzel, bestseller del New York Times i guanyador del premi Caldecott. Un llibre per a conèixer els animals i que encoratja a protegir-los! Hola hola és un llibre infantil per conèixer animals i descobrir la immensitat d'espècies que poblen la Terra. Al final del llibre es descobreix quins són tots els 92 animals que han aparegut en el llibre i que, lamentablement, molts d'ells estan en perill. Així es consciencia que per gaudir d'un món tan divers, ens hem d'esforçar per garantir-los l'hàbitat i així assegurar-nos la conservació de totes les espècies animals. Hola Hola es un llibre infantil imprescindible per a la formació dels nens, que els meravella amb les seves impressionants il·lustracions i que, a la vegada, els anima a ser actius en la conservació de les espècies animals. Digues Hola a un munt d'animals sorprenents. Alguns són enormes, d'altres minúsculs. Alguns tenen un pelatge suau, d'altres escames rugoses. Alguns són de colors vivíssims, d'altres tenen patrons sorprenents. És fàcil veure que són diferents l'un de l'altre. Però podries dir què els fa igual?

Rafael, un niño de ocho años, siente especial debilidad por Cortavientos, un caballo tan hermoso como travieso. Pero este no para de meterse en líos, y, a pesar de ser un héroe reconocido, el padre de Rafael amenaza con deshacerse del caballo. Rafa y Manolita, su amiga, harán todo lo posible por impedirlo. ¿Se puede poner límites al deseo de libertad? Un libro en el que se pone de manifiesto el valor de la verdadera amistad. Rafael, un niño de ocho años, siente especial debilidad por Cortavientos, un caballo tan hermoso como travieso. Pero este no para de meterse en líos, y, a pesar de ser un héroe reconocido, el padre de Rafael amenaza con deshacerse del caballo. Rafa y Manolita, su amiga, harán todo lo posible por impedirlo. ¿Se puede poner límites al deseo de libertad? Un libro en el que se pone de manifiesto el valor de la verdadera amistad.

This illustrated book for young children, written in both French and English, tells the story of Elfie, a young elephant who longs to be a ballerina. Her father agrees to let her take lessons if she can find some friends to join her. Hippy the hippo and Nosy the rhino agree. Tallie the giraffe becomes their teacher. They train very hard. They find a conductor, Storky, a marabou stork, and Storky in turns gathers together an orchestra. The grand finale is a ballet concert in the bush. Author and illustrator Patrick Texier has spent most of his life in Africa, and drew on his experience as a photographic safari guide to create "Efie" for his granddaughters. The text is in both English and French, juxtaposed to allow children or parents to read the story in either language or both. There are 32 pages, half of which are full-page color illustrations of Elfie and her friends.

Samuel Adams (also known as “Sammy”) is a brilliant cat. Mr. Chips, a young, impressionable dapple dachshund, is a major worrywart and not the adventurous type. They live at Number Thirteen Rabbit Hill Road in western Connecticut, along with another cat named Bud (whose only interests are eating and sleeping) and their owners, Mr. and Mrs. S. When the dreaded word vacation is overheard, it is like the shot heard ‘round the world. Sammy wastes no time coming up with a plan for the Grand Tour: to escape the dreadful prison called “boarding” and return to the library he once called home. With a map, compass, and backpacks strapped on, Sammy and Mr. Chips make their Great Escape from Number Thirteen and head north along Route 7 to the Berkshires of Massachusetts. Destination: The Berkshire Athenaeum, where Sam Adams (formerly known as “Melville”) was once the celebrity library cat. Adventures await around every bend as the two musketeers trek northward and find themselves staying in a barn, campground, trailer, and chicken coop. Along the way, important lessons are learned about sharing, caring, perseverance, and the true meaning of family. The Fantastic Tails of Sammy and Mr. Chips is a heartwarming tale that comes to life with thirty pen-and-ink drawings about an incredible journey filled with adventure, humor, and memorable characters who will capture your heart. These huckleberry friends are off to see the world, there is such a lot of world to see . . . do come along!