Moving to another planet is never easy. It’s even harder when you never arrive… Laren Brightstar knows refusing to work for Augustus Troy makes him a target. Accepting the chief terralogist position on a primitive planet on the other side of the galaxy seems like the simplest solution. Getting there, however, isn’t. When the affluent family leaves fog-shrouded and predictable Mira III for Cyraria they have no idea their luxurious lifestyle is about to end forever. His wife, Sharra denies it, trusting their fate to her indomitable bondling. Teenage daughter, Creena, welcomes it as a desirable change from Mira III's annoying restrictions. Teenage son, Dirck, resists it, unhappy to leave his friends and ordered existence, while young Deven accepts it, anticipating new and exciting adventures. Only Laren understands the risks that lie ahead, but even he is shaken when long before the starcruiser arrives shocking events transpire that comprise a parent's worst nightmare. Not only is Creena missing but it's clear that Troy, his ruthless and power-hungry nemesis, plans to exploit their situation to promote his own selfish ambitions with it possible that he is even behind the unfortunate event that changes their lives forever. Formidable and lethal challenges await as increasingly suspicious circumstances scatter the family across the galaxy, each wondering if they'll survive long enough to be reunited ever again.
The Carta Marina – Latin for ‘sea map’ – was drawn in 1527, but its fascination still lingers, even close to five hundred years later. With its bright colors and mythical oceanic creatures, the map is captivating. So much so, that it has inspired a new children’s story that evokes the adventures of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia, the Boxcar Children and the swashbuckling daring of Indiana Jones. ‘The Pendant Saga: Picaroons and Pembertons’ by author J.A. Knighted, holds many treasures within its pages. Not only will the book excite young readers with its electrifying fantasy and relatable characters, but parents will find lots to love too, with the exploration of sibling relationships and the carefully sketched portrayals of children with sensory issues. “My daughter has autism,” says Knighted. “It’s important to me to give life to all sorts of characters, and in this book, although it’s subtle, two characters have sensory issues. My plan over the next books in the series is to develop this slowly, but still showing that these characters are on the spectrum. It’s vital that all children feel represented in literature. They should be able to see parts of themselves in these kids. They should feel as if the Pembertons are their friends – and they will!” Sample Review: Picaroons and Pembertons is a fun read and has a great pace that will have you picking up the book and suddenly leave you hanging off that cliff on page 230 wanting more. It’s a fantastic blend of Neverland meets Narnia with fantastic children protagonists, pirates, magic, alternate history, time travel(ish), and a lore all to its own. If you like any of the above you’ll love this book. I love what J.A. Knight has done with Eylenda and can’t wait to see how she expands her universe and her characters in further installments. While it is definitely a series, it says a lot when a book can stand on its own without relying too much on setting up a sequel. While there are unanswered questions and things to make you coming back for more, I was impressed how J.A. Knight still kept this one a self-contained and compelling story. First and foremost, though, in my head, I loved the Pembertons. She gave each a time to shine and develop and I can’t wait to journey the waves of Eylenda and time with them again soon.
1945. The war is over but Beth Breddlingstone is dejected and lonely. Her best friend, Tibby, has set sail for her new home in Australia, leaving Beth to face the constant teasing of her older brothers, twins Tom and Peter. On the day before her eleventh birthday, Beth has an alarming encounter with the eccentric Miss Barter, the owner of a large and secluded house known locally as Mystery Court. Suddenly life becomes far more interesting... An unlikely friendship develops between the two but Beth is perplexed. Is Miss Barter, with her knowledge of herbs and potions, a witch? Why does the beautiful Dandelion Lady stand in the centre of the maze in the garden of The Court? As Beth begins to unravel the secrets of this mysterious house, she faces great danger. Does she have the courage to win through?
Join the Captain and her crew on an epic "Choose Your Own Path" Pirate adventure! Can you make the right choices and lead them to the treasure they are seeking? You will encounter difficult situations and you must make wise decisions to avoid disaster. And so begins your Epic Adventure!
En la colmena están muy preocupados: ¡la abeja reina ha desaparecido! El gran detective Sherlock Tópez, acompañado de su inseparable ayudante Ratson, comienza las pesquisas para averiguar dónde está. En este nuevo misterio de Sherlock Tópez, los lectores podrán recorrer el bosque y descubrir algunas de las peculiaridades de las fascinantes abejas.
En Vlad té seriosos problemes: la seva mare l'ha amenaçat de tancar-ho a la Torre Negra si no aconsegueix dominar la superforça. I, a més, a l'escola, el seu company Boz no para de posar-lo en greus compromisos. Sembla que les coses van cada vegada pitjor. Encara que tot podria fer un gir inesperat ...
Coco es un chico normal. Bueno, más o menos. Resulta que acaba de apuntarse a un concurso de cocina para monstruos llamado MonsterChef. Por suerte, el mundo de los monstruos no está tan mal: está repleto de criaturas de la noche como niños-lobo, brujas, zombis y vampiros y los ingredientes de cocina incluyen cosas como el moco de dragón, las coliflores purulentas o las patatas quejumbrosas Vale, sí, Coco está metido en un buen lío, pero eso no significa que no vaya a esforzarse por llegar a ser el mejor cocinero del mundo (de los monstruos). Ahora lo único que necesita para conseguirlo es que alguien le explique cómo preparar la cena ¡sin que la cena le acabe mordiendo a él!
¡AH DEL BARCO, MIS VALIENTES! Matilda, Jim Lad y los JOLLEY-ROGERS están de vuelta para otra intrépida aventura de piratas. Un día, Matilda se despierta y descubre que Villasosa de la Ribera está infestada de RATAS. Por suerte, un flautista se ofrece a echar una mano. Pero ¿cumplirá su promesa el Pirata Flautista? ¿O Matilda, Jim y los JOLLEY-ROGERS tendrán que salvar la situación?
Una nova aventura, de l'autor de Capità Calçotets, protagonitzada pel policia més ximple del món. En aquesta història, l'Home Gos ha de tornar a lluitar contra el malvat gat Pepet, que té una màquina de clonar éssers vius.
A qui li agradaria compartir la seva habitació amb dos caps d'elefant dissecats? Qui no ha sentit mai, en plena nit, quan la foscor plana per la cambra, un desig terrible de ficar el cap sota els llençols? I qui gosaria plantar cara a un lleó famolenc? A en Gervasi no li queda altre remei que enfrontar-se amb totes aquestes situacions. Entre la fantasia i la realitat, entre la tendresa i l'humor, Mercè Company ens relata aquesta història singular. Disponible Joc de Lectura, de la col·lecció Lectura Eficaç.