Relatos de aventuras (infantil/juvenil)

When Janine’s parents win a vacation to a private island, it’s the same week as her and her twin brother’s 16th birthday. Cool! She can’t wait to lounge on the beach and let the staff pamper her! Much to her disappointment, though, they leave the island to go sightseeing on a boat. Unlike the rest of her family, bouncing around the ocean isn’t her idea of fun. Even when her brother gets their dad to stop the boat to investigate the neon sea creature that he is sure is following them--nothing. Losing her new red hat is the highlight of her trip until an unexpected storm hits, and they shipwreck on an uncharted island.  After tending to some wounds from the crash, they search the island in hopes of finding human civilization. Although they don’t find what they are looking for, it appears they aren’t alone. When they return to their campsite---a fully cooked dinner is waiting for them! Why? And a better question is why did they eat it? It was as if they stepped into a fairytale-- or nightmare. Who is on the island with them and what do they want?

Entertaining and educational. Happy Fourteen is delightful collection of five books with ten adventures. With comforting simplicity and gentle rhythms, Donna Brooks, celebrates the unconditional love between children and little puppies. As the pages turn and the landscapes evolve from forest to the moon, this is an enchanting gift that will warm children's hearts. This five book collection of puppy tales is designed to make learning beautifully landscaped material entertaining for children. How would you like kids to meet some friendly creatures that live in the forest? If you say yes, our crowd of puppies can take you there. Kids, have you ever wondered, what it's like on the moon?? Well, if you are up for another adventure, then you can go with our fourteen puppies. When you turn the page, the adventure begins...Have fun! ? ? ??

When Doug agrees to take his younger brother, Sebastian, to the mall on a boring day, they set out on the adventure of a lifetime. It's there they discover the Create-a-Creature store, where you can build your very own creature, dress it, put the brains in, and bring it to life! Wait-put the brains in? Before they know it, not only are Doug and Sebastian's lives turned upside down, but so are scores of others' lives as well. Narrated with a mix of prose and verse, not to mention a healthy dose of mischief and mayhem, GAZORE! is sure to satisfy the child in all of us.

L ' Alícia és una noia entremaliada però de molt bon cor. Ella i els seus amics –l ' Àlvar, l ' Aida, l ' Àngel i l ' Alba– estan construint una cabana prop de l ' església d ' Eiravella, a Galícia, quan veuen aparèixer en Pumariño, un home estrany que tothom considera un ximple i que no fa altra cosa que furgar les parets de les cases; de fet és un pobre infeliç amb la personalitat trastornada des que, quan era nen, va veure com mataven el seu pare a la guerra. L ' Alícia i els seus amics decideixen conèixer-lo més bé i el visiten sovint a casa seva, on guarda rellotges, claus i moltíssims dibuixos. Fins que un dia descobreixen que en Pumariño guarda un secret sorprenent que els permetrà de viatjar a un món que ningú no havia visitat abans, al qual només es pot arribar travessant els quadres. Un món en el qual viuran aventures extraordinàries.Índice1. L’Alícia 2. En Pumariño 3. La casa d’en Pumariño 4. La casa de la llum 5. A l’interior dels quadres 6. La ciutat de la Torre 7. La gent sense ales 8. La Torre 9. A l’interior 10.La sortida 11.Epíleg