Relatos de aventuras (infantil/juvenil)

Edward Krimp may seem like your normal pre-teen going through problems, but underneath the calm exterior of this young boy lies a sea of turmoil and change. His parents are divorced and his father has remarried; Edward has moved away from all that he's known his whole life, and he's low on energy drinks to defeat the newest release of the video game series Knight's Quest. Edward soon finds himself in Wunderlannd, a place that changes with the tides of his emotions. What was once calm and tamed has become a world that is tearing itself apart. Can Edward fix what has become broken over the years or will his own imagination cease to exist altogether? First time juvenile fiction novelist Riley S. Brown takes you on an adventure of "Edward" proportions by transporting you into the world of Edward in Wunderlannd, Book One of The Wunderlannd Novels, a modern day take on Lewis Carroll's classic stories. But for the protagonist, Edward Krimp, it is much more than that. Prepare yourself for a wonderfully delightful adventure into an unknown and dangerous Wunderlannd!

In the old world, the Takaro were a powerful and respected clan in the Sanaka province of Nihon, a land that takes pride in its traditions and verdant resources. Hachi and Ketou, the young children of the clan's patriarch, suddenly find their charmed lives swept out from under them by the clan's enemies. Forced to grow up quickly, Hachi realizes her destiny is not just to take revenge on those who had wronged her, but to put an end to an ongoing conflict which lasted decades. Now, she must hope her skills and newfound allies are enough to prevail.    An anthro ninja story by Paradox-F, webcomic writer of Crossing-Over.    This physical edition contains new images of the story, including character data. Use a QR reader to view them online.

    Rose, Betsy, Jerome, and Zeke are back!  Join them on another fast-paced adventure that ends up in the quaint fictitious town of Breezy, Texas, in 1866.     Following the hardships and personal triumphs in Song of the Eagle, this sequel continues with the promise of new  beginnings.  But it doesn’t take long for thrilling adventures and big challenges to erupt.  Among them are the mysteries of a beautiful black stallion and the plain wooden box.     There is never a boring day when you’re with fifteen-year-old Rose and her sixteen-year-old cousin, Betsy.  Who could have imagined what was going to happen when Betsy meets Mateo Gonzales, or when Rose is lured into a life of wealth and luxury?  Surprises abound, one after another.  One of the most wonderful surprises of all in this tall tale is the heroine — Molly Anderson.

Imagina un xiquet amb quatre armaris plens de joguets, amb piscina d'aigua calenteta, amb l'ordinador més modern, amb balons firmats pels millors esportistes, amb una platja particular en fi, amb tot el que un xiquet puga desitjar. Com, que no pot existir? Obri el llibre i en coneixeràs un.

Henry visita el Regne dels Elfs per tercera vegada, però ara tot és diferent. Holly Blue està al capdavant del Regne, i sembla que Lord Hairstreak vol proposar una treva entre els Elfs de la Nit i els Elfs de la Llum, tot i que corren rumors d'una invasió dels dimonis encapçalada per Beleç, el Príncep de les Tenebres. Mentrestant, el príncep Pyrgus ha ensopegat amb unes flors de cristall misterioses que oculten una arma secreta aparentment formidable. La reina Blue, que desconfia de la rara generositat del seu oncle, visita el laberint del Mestre d'Espècies per a tractar d'endevinar el possible futur del Regne. Li aconsellen que vaja amb compte amb algú que té molt a prop. En efecte, és segrestada per qui menys s'imagina i el Regne s'enfonsa en el caos. Blue, Pyrgus i Henry es trobaran immersos en una aventura apassionant en la qual hauran de lluitar amb totes les armes que tenen a l'abast per a protegir el Regne i garantir que el tron continue en mans de la seua legítima senyora.

Zer da Bilintx institutuko mutiko gibel-handiei gehien gustatzen zaiena? Matematika? Filosofia? Ez jauna, futbola! Laugarren mailakoek futbol talde aldrebesa sortu dute: Zakili-Txut. Taldeak ez dauka inolako fundamenturik: ez fisikoki, ez teknikoki, eta ez taktikoki.Eta gainera Mariola punki gobernaezina amorratuta dago mutiko kokoloek neskak baztertu egin dituztelako… Lepoan hartu… ta segi trakatra!

Griffin es un pequeño murciélago Silverwing e hijo de Shade, el protagonista de los anteriores libros de la serie: Silverwing (Siruela, 2002) y Sunwing (Siruela, 2003). En esta aventura, tras un temblor de tierra, el joven murciélago es succionado por la grieta de una roca y lanzado a través de un largo túnel hasta el Inframundo, el reino sin vida de Cama Zotz, el dios de los Vampyrum Spectrum. En ese mundo ilusorio y cambiante, donde ni sus propios compañeros de especie lo reconocen debido al extraño brillo vital que despide su pelaje, Griffin se enfrentará, sin alimento ni agua, a terribles obstáculos en este primer viaje de su vida...