Perros: obediencia y adiestramiento

A explicação clara e divertida da Karen Pryor sobre métodos de treino de comportamento tornou a obra Não o mate! um clássico de vendas. A revisão atualizada apresenta mais ideias sobre o comportamento animal e humano. Karen Pryor, cientista comportamental inovadora e treinadora de animais, defende os princípios e usos práticos de reforço positivo no ensino de novos comportamentos. Este livro apresenta os segredos de como modicar o comportamento em animais de estimação, crianças e o próprio leitor, sem gritos, ameaças, força, castigo, remorsos… ou abater o animal.

"I'm loving it! Laura has managed not only to write a clear and incredibly important book, she's really funny too! Her way of writing, the images in her language, and the diagrams make this book really stand out; there's no way to misunderstand the concepts she's presenting." -- Emelie Johnson Vegh, co-author of AGILITY RIGHT FROM THE START Some dogs need a little help. Some dogs are afraid, or excited, or reactive. Dogs that "don't listen" and "go crazy" don't live the lives we -- or they -- want. FIRED UP, FRANTIC, AND FREAKED OUT can change that. Simple steps and an accessible, conversational tone from award-winning, internationally-known trainer Laura VanArendonk Baugh CPDT-KA KPACTP make calming the agitated dog not only possible, but pleasant. You'll learn how to achieve change in short, simple training sessions of a minute or less, maximize the effects of natural brain chemistry, know when to call in medical help, "clean up" unreliable behaviors in both overexcited sport dogs and pets at home, and recognize how fear, aggression, and excitement are variants of the same root problem. The conversational tone is both informative and fun - very accessible, and it feels like the reader has a consulting trainer standing at her shoulder! Bring your dog from emotional to thoughtful, and enjoy a calmer, more enriched life with your best friend.

Un trabajo práctico y fascinante en el que la autora te explica el conocimiento científico que respalda su sistema, cómo funciona y por qué, y su aplicación en todos los campos, incluida la enseñanza de personas. Ahora, tras treinta años adiestrando criaturas salvajes y domésticas, Karen Pryor presenta el resultado final de lo que ella les ha enseñado a los animales y de lo que ha aprendido de ellos. Además, encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber para enseñarle, paso a paso, nuevos comportamientos a tu animal de compañía. Con un lenguaje claro y accesible Karen te ayudará a dominar todos los aspectos de su método de adiestramiento. Es una obra esencial para los amantes de los animales y todos aquellos que desean comprender y poner en práctica técnicas de adiestramiento, con base científica, más respetuosas y compasivas, con sus animales de compañía. De lectura obligada para todas aquellas personas que trabajan con animales o se interesan por ellos.

A treinadora norueguesa, Turid Rugaas, autora de A linguagem dos cães: os sinais de calma, volta-se para um problema comum: os cães que puxam a trela. Neste livro aprender o método simples e rápido de Turid, que servirá para que cães de qualquer idade, tamanho ou raça caminhem calma e tranquilamente como uma trela frouxa. A sua abordagem humana baseia-se no entendimento das razões que levam os cães a puzar, e como utilizar a sua natureza e o ambiente para superar o problema. Passear na cidade ou no campo tonar-se-á mais tranquilo, reduzindo o stress em cães e donos.

You want a dog who is confident and happy, able to immediately distinguish between friend and threat, capable of intense focus on her work, and able to relax and play with you when you need some puppy love. But these attributes are not born in our puppies; they are created through proper socialization.So much can be done in a puppy's first few months of life to equip her for our human world and expectations. A well-socialized puppy is not only a happier puppy for her own sake but is also a better-mannered and more reliable pet. Learn how to raise a puppy to be: More comfortable and confident Upbeat and bold from family life to excursions to vet clinics Less reactive and excitable A better learner with better memory A more creative thinker and better training partner This practical approach to socialization, with plenty of detail and easy-to-follow steps, will help you to prepare your puppy for her best approach to life and social success. Material is included for the older dog as well!