Section 132 is the fictional story of a polygamous sect in Canada, based on true events: Lillian grows up in an American fundamentalist Mormon sect which still practices polygamy. At thirteen she becomes the child-bride of a Canadian Bishop. His compound is located deep in the wilderness of British Columbia, totally isolated from the rest of the world. When the land developer Richard Bergman buys the property next to the Bishop's compound, he gets involuntarily drawn into the sect's secret society ...
E(dward) F(rederick) Benson (1867- 1940), membre d'una singular família literària tant en el vessant inspirador com creatiu, va ser un escriptor d'èxit a la seva època, gràcies a les seves novel·les humorístiques, històriques i d'aventures a l'estil de El presoner de Zenda, i curiosament també autor de manuals encarregats pel ministeri de Defensa britànic. No tan curiós, però, és el fet que se sentís atret, com molts altres escriptors anglesos coetanis seus, pels contes de fantasmes: la seva família, i ell en particular, es movien en un rígid ambient victorià, preocupats i fascinats per llegendes transgressores, que prenien vida en els llocs i racons de la seva vida quotidiana. Pel que sembla, ell i la seva família van ser els que van inspirar a Henry James la seva famosa novel·la The Turn of the Screw (Un altre pas de rosca). Així doncs, no és estrany que el conte que obre aquesta antologia, La cambra de la torre, es desenrotlli a l'habitació en què el seu pare tenia l'estudi, i que el conte que la tanca, Mrs. Amworth, tingui com a protagonista una dama encantadora, amant de les flors, i que l'acció transcorri en un poble per on els caps de setmana passen tot de cotxes que fan cap a Brighton.
Bram Stoker (Dublín, 1847 - Londres, 1912), creador de lexcepcional Dràcula (publicat a «LArcà», núm. 8), va ser, durant més de vint-i-cinc anys, secretari del cèlebre actor teatral Henry Irving, per a qui va arribar a escriure una mitjana de cinquanta cartes diàries. Daquí, i no pas a causa de la influència de Wilkie Collins, com alguns hi han volgut veure, la facilitat i lèxit amb què va saber estructurar epistolarment Dràcula. Bram Stoker és autor, també, daltres novel·les, algunes de tan inquietants com ara El catau del cuc blanc (The Lair of the White Worm), eclipsada potser per la popularitat del cèlebre vampir de Transilvània. Una primera lectura daquesta novel·la satisfarà, de ben segur, els amants de les novel·les de terror. Però una lectura més detinguda pot fer descobrir més duna analogia entre aquesta novel·la i Dràcula. En les negres nits apareixen torbadores criatures, transformacions de personatges fascinants: si a Bucovina era un inquietant i atractiu Dràcula, aquí és lesplèndida i misteriosa Lady Arabella. Si Dràcula posseeix una forta càrrega erotitzant, Lady Arabella, per la seva banda, amb els seus sinuosos moviments hipnotitza i captiva no sols Adam Saltón sinó. també Oolanga, el misteriós criat negre del terratinent Edgar Caswall. I en totes dues novel·les les portes de linfern es troben en un subsòl els soterranis on dorm Dràcula de pudors fètides i nauseabundes semblants a «la sentina dun vaixell inundat amb una pila de rates ofegades».
After being beaten and left for dead, Steven finds himself stranded alongside the 101 in a small Northern California town. When a mysterious stranger named Quinn offers a hand in exchange for help reuniting with his daughter in San Francisco, Steven gets in the car and begins a journey from which there is no return. Quinn has an agenda all his own and he#&146;s unleashing vengeance at each stop along his path. With a coked-up sadist ex-cop chasing Quinn, and two mismatched small town cops chasing the ex-cop, Steven is unaware of the violent tempest brewing. Corrupt cops and death-dealing gangsters manipulate the maze each of them must navigate to get to the one thing they#&146;re all after: Teresa, the girl holding the secret that will rip open a decades-old scandal and scorch San Francisco#&146;s City Hall. Steven finds Teresa homeless and strung out as their pursuers close in and bodies begin to pile high on the Bay Area#&146;s back streets. Hand in hand Steven and Teresa lead the mad parade of desperate men to the edge of the void. American Static is a fast paced cri
Dr Ava Curzon is Lara Croft meets Evelyn Salt - the first real challenger to Dan Brown's Robert Langdon. "Rollercoaster crypto-thriller ... a ride that thrills and educates ... move over Lara Croft!" (Daily Express - Five Star - Pick of the Week) "ONE OF THE TOP 5 RELIGIOUS THRILLERS OF ALL TIME" ( When former MI6 agent turned archaeologist Dr Ava Curzon is engaged by American intelligence to track down an African militia claiming to hold the Ark of the Covenant, she is plunged into a world where nothing is what it seems. Her breakneck descent into the shadowy realm of dark biblical magic hurls her across continents and into the opaque worlds of the Knights Templar, freemasons, occultists, and extremist neo-Nazis, pushing her mentally and physically to the limits. As the plot twists and turns across the centuries, she requires all her skills to solve a trail of ancient clues leading her inexorably towards a terrifying ritual. Taking centre stage, she faces the ultimate battle against an age-old evil she must stop at all costs. Thriller - occult - bible - code - Templar - freema
When Jay Desmarteaux steps out of from prison after serving twenty-five years for murdering a vicious school bully, he tries to follow his convict mentor?s advice: the best revenge is living well. But questions gnaw at his gut: Where have his folks disappeared to? Why do old friends want him gone? And who wants him dead? Teaming with his high school sweetheart turned legal Valkyrie, a hulking body shop bodybuilder, and a razor-wielding gentleman?s club house mother, Jay will unravel a tangle of deception all the way back to the bayous where he was born. With an iron-fisted police chief on his tail and a ruthless mob captain at his throat, he?ll need his wits, his fists, and his father?s trusty Vietnam war hatchet to hack his way through a toxic jungle of New Jersey corruption that makes the gator-filled swamps of home feel like the shallow end of the kiddie pool.
In Sports, you exploit your opponent's weaknesses, taking advantage of your strengths. While executing your gameplan with skill and precision.In Sales, you have the smooth talker, instilling trust and confidence. With optimal packaging for your target audience.Possessing all of these attributes is Master Con Artist, Max Stone. With his usual team of Simon Jefferies, the OCD computer geek, Mike Scott the muscle and their newest member the irresistible?Jamie Paige.Max is always in total control and three steps ahead in every situation.Until one of his own team is framed for murder. Now the roles are reversed, the 'Mark' is now in control. The team has to adapt, improvise, overcome many obstacles?and on a tight deadline to save one of their own.Will the whole team make it out alive? At the end of the day will revenge be served?
Peggy Bowden has not had an easy life. As a teenager, her mother was committed to an asylum and then a local priest forced her into an abusive marriage. But when her husband dies in an accident Peggy sees an opportunity to start again and trains as a midwife.In 1950s Dublin it is not easy for a woman to make a living and Peggy sees a chance to start a business and soon a lucrative maternity home is up and running.But when Peggy realizes that the lack of birth control is an issue for women, she uses their plight as a way to make more money. Very soon Peggy is on the wrong side of the law.What makes a woman decide to walk down a dark path? Can Peggy ever get back on the straight and narrow? Or will she have to pay for her crimes?Set against the backdrop of Ireland in the 1950?s The Abandoned tells the story of one woman?s fight for survival and her journey into the underbelly of a dangerous criminal world.
HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO PROTECT YOUR CHANCE FOR HAPPINESS? Journalist Brenda Contay seems to have it all: a Pulitzer Prize, plenty of money and lots of friends. Just one thing is missing: a relationship that counts. That seems about to change when lawyer friend Marion Ross invites Brenda to go fishing in northern Minnesota. But they won?t be roughing it: they?ll be staying on a big, comfy houseboat. Charlie Schmidt has a cabin nearby, and before long, Brenda is thinking a lot about Charlie?s gracefulness and good looks. But two other men have followed the women. Louis Rohmer knew Marion in college, and has an Internet scheme to steal everything she?s worth. Jerry Lomak is much more dangerous: Marion?s legal skills destroyed him in court. He?s headed for prison, but Lomak has no intention of doing time, or of letting a woman lawyer get away with her ?crimes.? It?s a beautiful place, northern Minnesota. Cold, clear, unblemished. But none of it will count when Brenda Contay must choose between losing her chance for happiness, or committing a terrible crime.
Stan Mullens is an American mercenary in the Congo who sees himself as a good guy with a bad job. Stan?s self-assigned mission to protect his long time brother-in-arms, Frank, takes a serious hit when their boss sends them on an unsupported mission into the jungle to track and kill Tonde Chiora, a former company employee accused of stealing vital company mining technology.? As their mission takes them deep into the violent heart of the Congo, Stan soon discovers that his victim hasn?t done anything to warrant being murdered. And as he struggles to survive the jungle, his enemies, and Frank?s random acts of violent stupidity, he finds himself increasingly drawn in by the innocence and optimism of the man he is supposed to kill.? With his enemies closing in and his friendship with Frank falling apart, Stan has to make a dangerous choice between his old loyalties and his new friends. Maybe hardest of all, he has to make peace with the realization that despite what he?s told himself all these years, he is not one of the good guys.
?The girl?s terror was mesmerizing, the menace of the assailant unmistakable. He showed the camera the blade, light reflecting off the serrated edge. Suddenly, the blade slashed, blood flew ?? It was a movie?but not make-believe. The horror was real, and the spectators knew without a shadow of doubt that their idyllic Colorado mountain resort of Gatlin Pass was both the hunting ground and the hiding place for a ring of snuff filmmakers who preyed on tourists and teenagers. Newspaperman Gary Colter watched the film to its bloody finale?but his interest was not prurient. His own daughter was mysteriously missing. When a vicious renegade was captured, Colter?s search for the monsters did not end. He was sure that there was another man still at large?a man holding his daughter in nightmare bondage. With his acclaimed novel Prey, C. Terry Cline, Jr., established himself in the first rank of spellbinding storytellers. Now with this blood-chilling exploration of human violence and the forces that shape it, he achieves a new high in tension and action. Quarry is a taut, page-turner about the power of evil and the
«De todas las personas que se encontraban la mañana del pasado 30 de abril en el after-hours Paradís, sólo una de ellas me era totalmente desconocida. La que apretó el gatillo.» Tres mujeres asesinadas en un after de Barcelona. No se conocían, no han llegado juntas. ¿Qué las lleva hasta allí? ¿Qué tienen en común? ¿Por qué las matan? ¿Quién paga al sicario? En una ciudad acelerada por la cocaína, un periodista en las últimas se empeña en no dejar morir la noticia. La búsqueda de respuestas lo llevará a descubrir la peor cara de su profesión, del poder, de las élites urbanas e incluso de las ONG. Ni siquiera los taxistas son lo que parecen. Un perdedor cada vez más rabioso enfrentado a su propia inocencia.
Para calibrar el nivel de crueldad y de violencia de los crímenes que se cometen, el departamento de policía de los Estados Unidos estableció 25 niveles de violencia (siendo el numero 25 el máximo). Nunca pensaron que se podría llegar a un nivel más alto... El nivel 26. Steve Dark es el jefe de un departamento secreto del gobierno americano que se encarga de encontrar y ajusticiar a los asesinos en serie más despiadados del mundo, especialmente a aquellos cuya existencia los gobiernos preferirían no admitir. Steve Dark posee la extraordinaria habilidad de imitar y «habitar» virtualmente en el perfi l del asesino basándose en los pequeños detalles que va descubriendo. Los métodos de Dark requieren que su vida transcurra fuera de los círculos normales, en un mundo underground en el que está tan cerca de sus objetivos que corre el peligro de perder su propia identidad para siempre. Bajo el control directo del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, Dark y su equipo deben estar disponibles 24 horas los siete días de la semana, preparados en cada momento para sumergirse en una nueva operación, en cualquier punto del mundo...
White Boahinmaa Omawale (formally Ashley Summers) was beginning to heal from the trauma that resulted when neo-Nazis murdered her best friend in her Oregon hometown. She and her Black husband Adisa, benefiting from the success of her memoir that detailed their terror, moved to Accra, Ghana, and used their new financial resources to selflessly finance the development of the sprawling Atentrenee Sukuu (Justice School) educational compound. Just as they are beginning to settle into their important work in Africa, a legal technicality permits the neo-Nazi leaders who carried out the brutal murder of Boahinmaa's best friend to be released from prison. When young Black boys in Central Oregon start turning up missing, Adisa and Boahinmaa decide they must assemble a team of comrades, return to Central Oregon, and put an end to the racist terror. At first, the strike team has success inflicting casualties on the racist group, but then things start going terribly wrong. As a result, Boahinmaa finds herself suddenly faced with the reality that the most violent neo-Nazi leader has relocated and is continuing to activ
The explosive fallout?with a jaw-dropping twist?from a top CIA man?s corruption and a US political leader?s racism. The ruins of an iconic 450-year-old bridge. And a family destroyed by civil war.? War crimes investigator Joe Johnson is drawn into a search for a dossier of secret documents that disappeared twenty years ago from the president?s office in Sarajevo?but which have damaging links to the White House. Johnson finds himself hunting a Bosnian army officer who vanished, along with the dossier, after a series of horrific killings. The search takes him from Dubrovnik to New York City and London. Soon, ex-CIA man Johnson and his ex-MI6 colleague Jayne Robinson find themselves literally walking a minefield as they fend off powerful intelligence leaders with vested interests. The Old Bridge?the second book in the Joe Johnson series?is a taut thriller, set in some of Europe?s most beautiful locations, and which explores the dark consequences of sectarian hatred and arms dealing on both sides of the Atlantic. Meet Joe Johnson today and see how he draws on all his resources to uncover the tru