Narrativa romántica

En un pueblecito marítimo, Montauk, Nueva York, una profesora de niños, Karen, regresa cada verano para recobrar fuerzas tras el curso académico. Este verano tiene el presentimiento de que será especial y no se equivocaría, pues conocerá a su alma gemela, Alan, un veterinario, con el que se sentirá amada tal y como es. Cada uno de los personajes aportan algo a la identidad de los protagonistas llegando a identificarnos con ellos y haciéndonos creer en que los sueños pueden hacerse realidad.

Mary Bascombe supo que tenía que tomar medidas drásticas cuando, tras la muerte de su madre, su padrastro intentó venderla junto a sus tres hermanas al mejor postor. Su madre había cortado toda vinculación con su familia británica, pero ella decidió que l

Quando finalmente descobrisse o que a sua secretária ocultava, seria demasiado tarde.Lucan St Claire recusava-se a aceitar o maldito título de décimo quinto duque de Stourbridge. Não queria saber da sua herança familiar, que incluía uma mansão magnífica em Gloucestershire.Por isso, quando se viu obrigado a ocupar o lugar que lhe correspondia na família, levou com ele a sua nova e bonita secretária, Lexie Hamilton. No fim de contas, ia necessitar de muita distração.Mas Lucan não sabia que a sua secretária temporária não era exatamente o que parecia?

Welcome to April's fantasy.? This is a replica of the anonymous journal that captured April's heart in the feature film, April Flowers.? A romantic quest across New York City, April Flowers tells the story of one woman's adventure as she seeks to return an?anonymous journal left upon the subway. Captivated by the personal ramblings within, April builds a fantasy that complicates her real-life relationships.? This is a collection of those writings. Comprised of poetry, personal confusion and a whole lot of feeling, the journal provides insight into the emotional connection April shares with the mysterious author, which could be any of us.? A modern-day, coming-of-age tale, April Flowers stars Celina Jade, Jon Fletcher, Kate Middleton, and Keir Dullea.?

No one was supposed to know who was in the rock band Plebeian. That was the deal singer Lauren Logan made with her ex-boyfriend. After recording a movie soundtrack,?they remained anonymous as a publicity stunt for the film. Staying under the radar was easy for Lauren, a loyal but self-doubting wife and mother living in Tampa, Florida. Her biggest challenge was choosing a dinner menu to satisfy her teenage boys and keeping the meal hot for when her workaholic husband wandered home. Until the day Academy Award nominations were announced. Suddenly, Plebeian was thrust on the world's stage, winning an Oscar for Best Original Song. Sudden fame has brought Lauren things she didn't want. But it's also brought her someone she did: Andy Hayden, the man of her dreams. Now she has a red hot career with her ex-boyfriend, a husband who hasn't noticed, and a smoldering crush on a man she hasn't seen in years. Unfortunately, she also has a stalker who wants her to himself. As she struggles between her obligations and following her heart, her stage fears begin to frustrate the band while danger follows her every move. No

Someone is stalking Miyuki Price-Jones. As the host of a very successful home shopping TV show that sells adult toys, Mi has become the object of an ex-con's obsession, requiring the services of ex-Navy SEAL turned bodyguard, Lucas Vega. As the attraction between Lucas and Mi grows, Lucas has a difficult time keeping his feelings for Mi separate from his mission to keep her safe. A mission that is more challenging than anyone could have predicted. Damaged by their pasts, Lucas and Mi find more in common then they could have imagined and secrets they thought would tear them apart could be the ties that bind them together forever. But with the stalker growing bolder, Lucas and Mi must learn to trust each other or risk losing more than their hearts. One of them could lose their life.

She's the last thing he needs, but she's the only thing he long as it's behind closed doors. ? It was supposed to be a one-time thing. No one would find out; no one would have to know. And then once turned into twice, and twice turned into several times a week, and now pierced, punk-loving, rebellious Tia Lanning is banging Mason Brooks, the big man on campus and Mr. All American. ? But banging him isn't the problem.?Falling?for him is. Especially when he's content to let her remain his dirty little secret.

Fairy tales come true?? Brie Bennett?s Master is about to make all of her dreams come true. The wedding is almost here but darkness lies ahead?a plot so horrendous it will rock their foundation to the core. Yet love as fierce and passionate as theirs cannot be denied. Join our favorite submissive as she discovers the romance that awaits when an Italian Dom plans the wedding of the century for his cherished bride.

Spring 1970 Four friends are in their final months at Leeds University. There are lots of girls, parties and football ... then, John meets Mary and she turns his world upside down. But their tender love and a passionate romance that summer is suddenly terminated leaving John lost and puzzled ... Summer 2012 After living abroad for many years John finds himself back in Yorkshire, reunited with friends and whilst tackling the Coast-to-Coast walk he has plenty of time to think ... where is Mary now? and why did their romance finish so unexpectedly? He decides upon a quest to find answers to these questions, which have tormented him for over forty years. The twists and turns in the quest make Naomi Hudson's first novel appeal to male and female readers alike, and the dramatic finale may shock or sadden the reader - but will not disappoint.

À mercê de um milionário ardente!Bella sempre se tinha sentido como o patinho feio da sua família mas, depois de uma noite com o incrivelmente atraente Owen, sentiu-se como um belo cisne. Claro que isso foi até dar-se conta de que Owen não era o tipo normal e sem história que ela pensara... Quando descobriu que era multimilionário, entrou em pânico, porque esse era exatamente o tipo de homem que tentava evitar.No entanto, Owen não estava disposto a deixar que Bella voltasse a esconder-se na sua concha. Duas semanas de prazer no seu luxuoso apartamento e depressa ela estaria a pedir mais...