La sabiduría de los indios norteamericanos nos ilumina como una hoguera en la oscuridad, recordándonos que debemos regresar a la Tierra para vivir en armonía con ella y con nuestros compañeros de planeta. Esta antología recoge 365 inspiraciones -una para cada día del año- de jefes, curanderos y líderes como Toro Sentado, Alce Negro o Jerónimo.
?A mandala is a circular design composed of symbols that convey a universal meaning.?It is my discovery that the constellations in the night sky form a giant mandala, the work of unknown people in ancient times.? ??? The original designers left us a key using astrology to unlock the hidden meaning of 36 constellations known to the ancient world. This key then places the 36 and their Greek star myths into a? sequence. Read in this way, the symbolic language of the myths tells the story of a process of spiritual growth and development called the Path of Initiation. ??? As shown in the stars, the Path is about spiritual transformation and a developing creativity used for the betterment of humanity.?Along the way, the book ?introduces you to some of the newer concepts and techniques used today in the teaching of the Path. ???? It is illustrated with many beautiful pictures from hand-painted, antique star maps showing the constellations as figures from Greek mythology. ??? For those unfamiliar with the Path of Initiation, the constellations or astrology, all that is needed is an enjoyment of Greek myth and sy
Arkansas has long been a land rich in history and lore, and few of the events associated with The Natural State are more compelling and provocative than those associated with lost mines and buried treasures. Within these pages, award-winning author W.C. Jameson has captured and interpreted the most complete collection of these rich and varied stories of lost treasure.
Serendib is the ancient name of the Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka. The modern English word ?serendipity? - meaning an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident - is based on the name Serendib. The small stories in the book are about simple people and talking animals in pastoral settings confronting simple problems, with the solution lying within the story itself. Most Sri Lankan folk stories are hilarious rather than being morality tales, complementing the islanders? penchant for a searing sense of humour. Many folk stories feature talking animals. This aspect fits perfectly into Sri Lankan folklore because there was a belief that animals could talk at one time. The stories have been illustrated - with a touch of whimsy - by award-winning artist Vijay Mohan?from India's prestigious J.J. School of Arts and who now lives in Oshawa, Ontario.
Las legiones de Roma son un recuerdo que se desvanece. Los enemigos acechan las fronteras de Bretaña. Y Uther Pendradgon se está muriendo... En ese mundo fracturado e incierto, un muchacho es abandonado y se convierte en un refugiado del fuego, el asesinato y la traición. Un desconocido con la única compañía de un halcón odioso y los recuerdos de todo aquello que ha perdido. Sin embargo, no le falta talento y, bajo la atenta vigiliancia de Merlín y Lady Nimue, perfeccionará sus habilidades e iniciará su viaje hacia la madurez. Por el camino, se encontrará con Guinevere, una chica tan bella como salvaje y orgullosa, pero que se siente marginada por sus dones. Y, mientras tanto, el muchacho se verá deslumbrado por Arturo, el guerrero que lleva con él las esperanzas de todo un pueblo, el fuego entre la oscuridad. Pero son tiempos de lucha y sangre, e incluso la amistad y el amor parecen condenados al fracaso. El joven renegado que abandonó su hogar en Benoic sueña con vengarse. Y ahora es un señor de la guerra. Un hombre amado y odiado, admirado y temido. Un hombre abandonado, pero no olvidado. Él es Lancelot. De esta novela la prensa ya se hace eco y algunos lectores están ansiosos por leerla.