Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización

'Soyez Avec Vous - R?alit? sans Pens?e' est un livre au format de poche (218 pages) contenant les "citations spontan?es" du Ma?tre R?alis? Shri Ramakant Maharaj - disciple direct pendant dix-neuf ans (depuis 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ces p?pites d'or puissantes sont con?ues pour ?veiller le lecteur ? sa Vraie Nature qui est l'Ultime R?alit?. Les principales caract?ristique de ce petit livre sont: un Enseignements Direct - le raccourci le plus saisissant vers la R?alisation de Soi ? la possession d'un "Ma?tre R?alis? Portable" disponible ? tout moment. Le Ma?tre parle de votre R?alit?. Il parle ?galement ? votre R?alit?, ? votre Pr?sence Invisible qui est avant et au-del? du Corps-forme. Car, en v?rit? vous ?tes Non N? ! C'est la Seule et Rare Connaissance au-del? de toute la connaissance logique, intellectuelle, philosophique et spirituelle. Ce livre a la Puissance de dissoudre le lecteur illusoire et de r?v?ler le Soi dans ?son ?tat Sans ?tat Originel, au-del? des mots, au-del? des mondes. De tels Enseignements ?lev?s n'ont pas ?t? entendus depuis l'?poque de Nisargadatta Maharaj. Expressions simples e

Dos de los movimientos más interesantes surgidos a finales del siglo pasado en el ámbito científico de la felicidad son el de las ciencias contemplativas (incluyendo mindfulness y compasión) y el de la psicología positiva. Este libro es la primera aproximación rigurosa entre estos ámbitos. El Programa de Entrenamiento en Bienestar basado en prácticas Contemplativas (EBC) ahonda en la posibilidad de entrenar habilidades que funcionan como causas del bienestar: la detección y mantenimiento de emociones positivas, la recuperación funcional ante emociones difíciles, la gestión de la atención y el aumento del altruismo y la compasión. La felicidad humana es susceptible de aumentar mediante el entrenamiento mental/conductual adecuado sustentado en acciones virtuosas. Los autores se apoyan en decenas de investigaciones relativas al campo de las ciencias contemplativas y la psicología positiva.

For those looking to unleash their inner child or nurture the artist within, this is your coloring book. Think of it as an art therapy- meditation-mindfulness tool where you have permission to color your world any way you like. Daily Color contains 55 hand-drawn chunky black line abstract leaves, florals and pattern illustrations all designed by Robyn Berg, a Brooklyn-based textile artist. Robyn found most coloring books to be too small and too intricate and ended up stressing out. So she created one that's nice to zone out with for 20 minutes. Whether you're a pro, novice, or a 3-year-old, its thick blank lines mean you can color over the edges without beating yourself up. In other words, this coloring book is good for you.

?This Timeless Breath? is the distillation of lessons learned over a half-century of meditation practice.? Jeff Falconer?s abiding passion through many interesting and colorful phases of spiritual exploration, (none of which he regrets), has been refining his practice down to the essentials.?His non-denominational approach to meditation, where no new beliefs need be adopted and no existing beliefs need be shed, simply reflects Falconer?s conviction that while many forms of meditation are connected to larger systems of religious or philosophical thought, the practice of meditation can be quite satisfying without such affiliations.?The pure and direct enjoyment of the energy of life, via relaxed mindfulness on the breath, the body, and the many gifts of human awareness, can reward the meditator with new calm, clarity, and connection with life in all its forms.??This Timeless Breath? is not intended as a revolutionary departure from existing forms of meditation, which have countless satisfied adherents, but rather as a breath of fresh air and hint of possibilities for individuals who may want the liberating ben

Este libro nos puede servir como manual de autoayuda para realizar un viaje Espiritual. También cabe interpretarlo, desde la Física Cuántica porque nos acerca, desde los últimos avances científicos, a la meditación y a los Viajes Astrales.

Many of us feel out of synch with our lives. We sleepwalk through experience, believing that one day-when all the conditions are just right and the stars align perfectly-we will achieve a peaceful state of mind. We spend our days wandering through the past, dwelling in fictional futures, or existing in alternating states of distraction and frustration. We're absent from our own lives-yet we wonder why we struggle to be at peace and find it so difficult to break free of the challenging states of mind that plague us. There's a part of us that knows there is another option. And right now, in this very moment, peace is available to us. But, like swimming upstream, trying to find and hold on to peaceful states of mind can be an extremely difficult process. This book is a map that can help us on this journey. In This. Only This., veteran workshop teacher Michael Brooks presents a unique and humorous approach to mindfulness based on two main concepts: Paying Attention and Just Being. The former explores the many states of mind we engage in daily, highlighting their trends, patterns and causes. In simple languag

Taming Amy is a captivating modern tale of mindfulness and enlightenment. This delightful parable plots the explosive appearance of Amy, a five or six year old spiritual guide, into the Michael's stalled career, broken relationships and teetering mental health. With devastating honesty, profound insights and boundless mirth, she takes him on an impetuous journey of self-discovery which will transform his life forever. Taming Amy is one of those rare books that will travel with you everywhere, continue to transform your life and stay with you for ever.