En algunas culturas orientales el blanco es el color del luto. Quizá las cosas blancas que nos rodean preservan nuestro dolor, contienen una angustia que no sabemos ver a primera vista. Kang se adentra en una delicada indagación literaria y busca, a través de la descripción de cosas cotidianas, el mal que siempre ha sentido por la ausencia de una hermana a quien no conoció.A partir de la redacción aparentemente banal de una lista de cosas blancas, Han Kang hace un conmovedor ejercicio de introspección, buscando el epicentro de su dolor existencial.«Blanco es profundo y precioso, cada imagen es poderosa y certera. Han Kang es un genio». Lisa McInerney«Emocionalmente devastador y profundo». Katie Kitamura«Una tranquila y absorbente contemplación de la vida, de la muerte, y del impacto existencial que nos dejan aquellos que se van antes que nosotros». Eimear McBride
Joseph W. Naus was living the American Dream. He'd survived a brutal childhood, graduated from Pepperdine Law School, and become a successful attorney. Then one night, his American Dream-life became a nightmare when his sex and alcohol addictions collided and exploded. "On Tuesday, I was a respected civil trial lawyer making six-figures. On Wednesday, I woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed charged with attempted murder...and then it got worse." Straight Pepper Diet is a book about surviving one's own wreckage. It's harrowing, sometimes hilarious, and surprisingly hope-filled.
This book is a sincere and vivid account of Tina's descent into the world of mental illnesses. She was offered one wrong diagnosis after another: depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar, Asperger's syndrome, and a suspected personality disorder. Tina's first hospitalisation resulted from an eating disorder. Doctors prescribed an anti-depressant, but the medication precipitated manic episodes. Life became unbearable, and Tina attempted suicide by jumping in front of an oncoming train. She miraculously survived uninjured, but continued to struggle with mood swings and was put on more and more unnecessary medications which insinuated a continuous manic-depressive cycle. Tina attempted suicide in the same manner a few months later, suffering a number of broken bones, multiple fractures in her skull, and a liver laceration, as well as a traumatic brain injury that paralysed her left side. She was in hospital for five months, slowly regaining movement and learning how to walk again. Tina's book ends with the realisation that no one has a perfect life; rather, it is our struggles that make us stronger.
Compositor nacido en Barcelona, es una de las figuras más relevantes de la creación musical catalana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Testimonio de una época de grandes transformaciones artísticas, Benguerel es un protagonista de excepción. Sus composiciones reflejan las características del arte de nuestro tiempo, su personal manera de crear se concreta en música rigurosa en la construcción y a la vez expresiva. Benguerel ha tratado todos los géneros musicales siempre de manera muy personal, desde la pieza intimista para un solo instrumento, hasta la ópera, la cantata, la obra sinfónica o la música de cámara, la mayoría de las cuales han quedado grabadas en una extensa discografía. Este libro es un documento que muestra muchos aspectos de la actividad musical del autor, pero también revela las reflexiones de un creador alrededor de sus obras y de las circunstancias que la rodean. Jesús Rodríguez Picó
In what should have been the prime of her life, a girl named Yi Ran came face to face with turmoil, suffering, helplessness, and struggle, but also stumbling across luck and opportunity. Despite bearing the mental scars and bruises from the turbulent days of the Cultural Revolution in China, her determination to navigate smoothly through life was facilitated by her education and family. Having a loyal husband and wonderful son by her side, her journey, although one that she still has to pilot herself, had become ever more stimulating. After immigrating to Europe and later America, just as she had put her full devotion into caring her husband and educating her son, her momentum to educate herself and work hard had only increased. This memoir, written in Chinese, captures how Yi Ran, adrift in life, was able to carve out a path for herself abroad.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
El libro más personal, emotivo e íntimo de Fernando Savater. Esto no es una autobiografía, aunque contiene «la mejor y la peor parte» de la vida del autor. Es un libro escrito para guardar la memoria de la persona amada, Sara Torres Marrero, conocida como Pelo Cohete, con la que Fernando Savater compartió 35 años, toda una vida, de felicidad. Pero no estamos ante un elogio fúnebre porque el deseo de alargar la memoria, de engañar al olvido, acaba por devenir en un acto de agradecimiento, de amor. Es posible que se trate del relato de una batalla que todos sabemos perdida de antemano, pero también, quizá antes que nada, es un canto emocionado a la vida, una llamada a amar y disfrutar en todo momento con la persona que amas. Porque en el texto está la pérdida, la ausencia, el derecho o no al olvido, la muerte, el dolor, la enfermedad, pero también la lucha, el compromiso, el sexo, las risas, las bromas, las complicidades. Todo eso es la vida, y Fernando Savater consigue hacernos reflexionar sobre ello, a través de él, a través de Sara, a través de los dos, como uno solo.
Quien fuera el «Príncipe de Marbella» en la lujosa época de la jet, conocido traficante de armas internacional y supuesto narcotraficante durante décadas, se ha comunicado durante más de cinco años con el autor de este libro desde una prisión de máxima seguridad de Estados Unidos. La versión de Monzer Al Kassar de la vida que ha llevado entre armas, espías y operaciones secretas se refleja en estas páginas por primera vez, en una confesión «honesta y franca» según sus propias palabras.
As promised, here is Part Two written as an archive of the Schroeder Family?s history from 1959 to 2017. The guiding principle being if you don?t write it down, it didn?t happen.? As with Part 1 (1900-1959), it is not intended to appeal to other than family members and a few close friends.?One of the reasons I decided to write this memoir is my reluctance to have my family pay a ridiculous fee for a newspaper obituary few people would read.? The people who might care about my passing will receive complimentary copies of the book.As with Part One, I cover a period of American history I have not seen documented in mainstream literature.? It is told from the POV of a ?corporate gypsy? who carried the policy of company-paid relocations to somewhat of an extreme? (My oldest daughter, Margaret, went to 13 different schools).? At the time I didn?t see anything unusual about our frequent moves. I thought everyone did that.What the reader may find interesting is some of the unusual places Pat and I lived during our 48 years together ? two haunted houses, and a waterfront house that claimed a gorilla living on the thi
«Que n'és de diferent la guerra, a través d'aquests vells papers, de la que ens evoquen certs quadros i llibres d'història! Hom la hi veu "viscuda" i soferta hora per hora i dia per dia, amb totes les seves misèries i lletjors i sense cap de les grandeses amb què ha estat embellida pels poetes i "teoritzada" per alguns escriptors que ens han presentat la guerra com un do dels déus per a enfortir i regenerar la humanitat». Aquesta visió lúcida de Carles Rahola sobre la memorialística popular podem copsar-la directament en l'obra del viticultor de Llançà Joan Baptista Serinyana (1818-1903), que al llarg de gairebé setanta anys va recollir, refer i copiar en diverses llibretes temàtiques moltes notícies del seu interès. Com a resultat va deixar una petita enciclopèdia de la memòria d'un poble, amb el valor afegit d'haver estat elaborada per una persona poc donada a les inquietuds culturals. Família, vinya, economia, meteorologia, guerra, política, religió... qualsevol tema o moviment era susceptible de passar a formar part d'aquest petit univers del saber eclèctic d'un pagès memorialista del segle XIX. En aquest volum presentem de manera íntegra tres llibretes memorialístiques de Joan Serinyana en una edició filològica que té com a finalitat, a banda de contribuir a la recuperació del patrimoni textual, donar a conèixer una font de primera mà per a l'estudi d'una etapa que va transformar de manera decisiva la nostra història recent.
A Música i pols hi trobarem una visió íntima del món, amb reflexions sobre l'amor i les edats,sobre la sort, sobre l'art d'envellir, la soledat i la companyia, sobre el coratge de viure contrala tristesa. La literatura, la música i la política són també temes importants d'aquest llibreagosaradament sincer. Tot plegat transmès amb una escriptura transparent, amb frases queel lector voldrà subratllar perquè hi trobarà, com en un mirall, reflexos del seu cor, de lesseves preguntes, del seu neguit i de la seva felicitat. Després de La finestra de Vermeer, unllibre aplaudit per la crítica i els lectors, presentem la nova entrega del dietari de Pere Rovira.
"The Total Sum." We all are who we are today from yesterday's struggles. Let's try something real quick, a bit of "what if" and how do you think the story would end? Not quoting any statistics or case studies here, because, believe it or not, more than half of you have been thru this. Imagine growing up in a household where, as a child, you experience verbal and emotional abuse by those who were supposed to protect you. No doubt this can be quite a traumatic way to live, to grow up and exist. KD always looked deeper into things. There were some underlying issues before the abuse began. That's not to say it's defending the act, but it is spotlighting a very serious issue instead. Mental health and illness is a subject nowadays that seems to escape the focus of many and it doesn't matter what color, race, gender or lifestyle. It is hardly ever addressed and it becomes the ugly beast that affects all people in one way or another. KD speaks of it as a beast and a problem because of its everlasting effects on young and old minds. It destroys the foundation of a happy and prosperous life. So dig deep inside yourself. Wonder how it would feel growing up in a world where you are made to feel like you are the enemy, the problem and the issue. They say our backgrounds and family life most times determine our future, our trends, like the old saying, "It runs in the family." These instances are guaranteed to have been deemed true most times, but in this case, that cycle was broken. After years of verbal abuse and a saving grace in the form of her grandmother and aunt, KD foiled the future predictions that were spoken over her, "Never gonna amount to anything," "I hate you." From before the beginning, the abuse went on and on. There are many who have gone thru the same, if not a worse course of events in their lives, being spoken against and defamed for being unwanted, being a love child. Unfortunately, there are millions of young boys and girls who have lived this horror and have not been able to rise above it, but let KD share with you a story of promise and hope. "The Climb: Life, Mountains of Struggles and How I Overcame Them"
Josep Villalon va ser un periodista de La Nau que es va ensinistrar com a corrector a les ordre de Pompeu Fabra. En acabar la guerra civil es va exiliar a Tolosa de Llenguadoc i va ser membre actiu de la colònia catalana i del Casal Català. Aquestes memòries afegeixen nous elements a lèpoca de la República, la guerra civil i lexili.