Where does fiction begin and truth end? How does the telling of a white lie (adding or subtracting a year from one’s age) mutate into a darker complication (concealing a misdemeanor, stealing, or betraying a loved one)? Or worse, how does a small untruth transmogrify into a criminal act (fraud or attempted murder)? Moreover, when two different people are spinning the same narrative, whose version of the truth is to be believed? The excavation of an opaque past is the forensic aspect of this memoir, which attempts to answer such questions by uncovering the truth about one woman, Dolores Buxton, for whom the construction of artifice was so quotidian and whose lies became such a trap that, rather than tell the truth, she committed suicide. The story, set mostly in an ever-changing Manhattan, unfolds in reverse chronology. The memoir uses diaries, court transcripts and records, interviews, historical documents, and letters to reconstruct five pivotal events in Dolores Buxton’s life: her 1989 suicide; the 1969 Supreme Court decree that finalized her separation from her only child; a 1958 indictment for attempted murder; a day in 1953 as a young executive in the cosmetics industry (and the anniversary of her mother’s death of multiple sclerosis); and her birth in 1929 (on the eve of the Great Depression), to a Jewish confidence man and his younger, Catholic wife. Author Kim Dana Kupperman is Dolores’s daughter; her relentless probing unveils her mother’s bondage to the difficult legacy of her forebears. In the process of seeking to describe and grasp the constellation of circumstance and human interaction that results in criminal behavior, she attains, if not clear answers, at least a sense of redemption for having tried to understand what drove her mother to the desperation she chose to inhabit.
A boomer memoir delivered in wry vignettes—edgy but never bitter. These reflections concentrate on the early 1970s as I drifted through a turbulent swarm of events, buffeted by psychological conflicts, underachieving, drinking, and drugs. Commune. I guess you could call it a commune: some of us were unrelated; we bought, cooked, and ate food as a group; we’d sit on the floor around a low table eating fried rice, scrambled eggs, calf brains, and lungs. The Draft. We all dealt with it one way or another. Some took cover in college throughout that period. Others enlisted for four years rather than serving the two-year minimum, sacrificing two years of their lives to gain control over how and where they spent their time during the war. Hitchhiking. People seldom hitch these days. But in the late sixties and early seventies, we shuffled along the roads with our thumbs out, ready for anything. In the world of hitching, it was axiomatic never to offend the driver. Otherwise, you might find yourself back on the shoulder of the road, or worse. Dropping Acid. I became concerned I’d have a bad trip so I went into the bathroom, locked the door, stared into the medicine cabinet mirror, and reassured myself—not aloud, but inside my head. I assessed the person I saw as if he and I were different entities. After several minutes, I felt better. Health. You know that cliché, “If you have your health, you have everything”? In 1980, mine crashed like a runaway elevator. The room spun violently, faster and faster. I went blind; my body tied up in knots and started to disappear. This memoir takes you on the inside of the early seventies—life after that was up for grabs, shaped by one’s youthful mistakes.
At 8:47 a.m. Ryan Anderson was born. For many families that would be a blessing, but the lack of a mother’s love eventually drives Ryan out into the world in search of something that he will never feel at home. He becomes consumed with a desire to find a way to leave the daily hell he and his sister Terresa face. One day that break finally comes…at least that’s what Ryan believes when he meets a man named Junior. Junior has a plan to help Ryan and Terresa escape, but little does Ryan realize the price that will have to be paid. The love of a sister drives Ryan to do things he never could have imagined he would do. It will take a fire and a death to stop the tragedies in his life—but a broken heart he will have to live with forever. A shocking discovery emerges from the fire, but will these newfound letters offer enough healing power to overcome the years of damage and despair? What lessons will be learned? And will the family legacy of cruelty finally be broken and redeemed?
O 27 de outubro de 2016 Antón Reixa sufre un complicado accidente de tráfico durante unha viaxe a Madrid: fractura aberta de tibia e peroné, fractura de calcáneo, vértebra L2, máis dunha ducia de costelas rotas e contusión pulmonar que pode provocar colapso respiratorio e remata nun coma inducido durante 18 días. Dese accidente naceu este libro, escrito durante a súa convalecencia, nas horas de dor, frío e pobreza enerxética televisada do inverno de 2017. Esta é a crónica de 18 días en coma, 10 meses de melancolía paralímpica e unha vida posthumana. Michigan / Acaso Michigan é libro abraiante, rescatado das fendas máis profundas e incontrolables do cerebro do ser humano e das súas posibilidades creativas. Prologado por Chus Pato e con textos epistolares finais de Daniel Salgado, esta é unha fascinante historia sobre os límites. Existe un vídeo dispoñible en YouTube ao que se pode acceder directamente a través desta ligazón: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnftv63SGbo & feature=youtu.be
Trinta e tres entrevistas realizadas a persoas que, por unha razón ou outra, o coñeceron persoalmente. Tamén as voces daqueles que se achegaron a el a través da súa obra. Mulleres e homes de todos os eidos: médicos, escritores, críticos literarios, empresarios, profesores universitarios, políticos, editores, libreiros... Todos eles van debullando un retrato do autor de ILUSTRÍSIMA: as calidades da súa escrita, o seu traballo de editor, as facetas da súa personalidade. Un libro de homenaxe que inclúe unha biografía rigorosa e sucinta, a cronoloxía da súa obra e un álbum fotográfico no que se reflicten momentos sinalados da súa vida.
Historias Soteñas contadas y cantadas es un viaje a través del tiempo y de las emociones. Historias a las que todos les ponemos nombre y cara, que hemos escuchado generación tras generación, y que tenemos el deber y la obligación de que no caigan en el olvido. Historias, que forman parte de nuestro constructo, pues al fin y al cabo somos y formamos parte de aquello que nos precedió. Historias, que nos identifican y que nos unen, y que nos tienen que seguir uniendo con ese lazo que no hace tan Soteños. Déjate llevar, sumérgete con espíritu infantil, que tus ojos discurran por las amenas letras de esta preciosa historia, historia escrita con la única intención de recordar lo que fuimos.