En los países industrializados la salmonelosis está considerada como una de las infecciones bacterianas con mayor prevalencia entre las transmitidas al hombre por alimentos contaminados. Aunque en los últimos años en la Unión Europea se ha observado un descenso de la incidencia de la salmonelosis asociado principalmente a la reducción del serotipo Enteritidis y gracias al éxito de los programas de control de la salmonelosis aviar, la incidencia de S. Typhimurium ha ido en aumento. El cerdo es considerado un importante reservorio de este serotipo y la segunda fuente más importante de salmonelosis en humanos en Europa. Esta obra trata en profundidad diversos aspectos relacionados con la epidemiología y el control de la salmonelosis porcina.
This self-assessment manual allows veterinary surgeons and veterinary students to test their knowledge of small animal dermatology. The book presents a variety of different clinical cases, replete with images of affected patients and relevant data. Based on this information, the reader can identify the disease process in question in a simple and entertaining way, thus refreshing and expanding their knowledge of diagnosis and treatment.
Esta edición actualizada describe la técnica de necropsia aviar de una manera detallada y sistemática, e incluye códigos QR que enlazan con vídeos de la inspección y el muestreo de los diferentes órganos. El primer capítulo, estructurado por órganos desde la piel hasta el sistema nervioso, explica cómo inspeccionar cada uno de los órganos, aparatos y sistemas y muestra su aspecto en ausencia de lesiones. El segundo capítulo describe las patologías de las aves habitualmente observadas en el matadero, mientras que el tercer capítulo ofrece las pautas para la toma de muestras durante una necropsia para posteriores pruebas de diagnóstico complementarias. Con más de 200 imágenes y la inclusión de los vídeos, este libro puede garantizar el máximo rendimiento diagnóstico del procedimiento de necropsia en las aves de producción.
El objetivo es ofrecer una completísima guía sobre las bases prácticas de la labor desempeñada por el asesor en calidad de leche en una explotación lechera, con la finalidad de obtener siempre leche de calidad en un marco rentable para el ganadero.
Using a variety of graphical resources, this atlas describes the cutaneous clinical patterns most commonly encountered in dogs (accounting for 90 % of cases seen in veterinary clinics), as well as the associated aetiologies. For each pattern, corresponding guidelines are provided to ensure correct diagnosis. This book has been designed as an educational guide for veterinary practitioners to facilitate the diagnosis of skin diseases. The wealth of graphical material complementing the text provides veterinary surgeons with reference images with which to compare the cases they encounter in the clinic.
This atlas is conceived for bovine medicine specialists with the purpose of providing them with an easy tool to profoundly study and know the main pathologies and disorders present in this species. The book collects a selection of high quality images which bring the specialists the macroscopic lesions of the most common diseases and disorders of cattle.
La mayoría de las preguntas que nos hacemos cuando observamos comportamientos del perro que no es el esperado, puede ser resuelta por la etología. De todo esto nos habla este apasionante libro, que recomendamos a todo aquel que vive o se relaciona con esta maravillosa especie, denominada como ?El mejor amigo del hombre?. Acudir a un profesional ante los primeros signos de un posible problema de conducta, es fundamental para evitar situaciones desagradables, hacerlo pronto, reduce las posibilidades de éxito del tratamiento, y minimiza el posible estado de estrés en el que vive el perro. Dirigido a: Propietarios de mascotas, y todas las personas que se relacionen con gatos, centros de protección animal, fundaciones, centros municipales, y veterinarios de mascotas.
This clinical manual on thyroid gland conditions offers an update on the concepts and clinical reality of canine hypothyroidism and feline hyperthyroidism, two processes that have been the subject of much case-based reasoning.
Routine preventative dental care is essential to prevent dental and oral health problems in cats. However, some types of dental disease are really difficult to diagnose and treat. With more than 400 high-quality images, clear anatomical illustrations, and thorough descriptions, this new volume on veterinary dentistry focused exclusively in cats aims at being a visual guide for quick visual identification and prompt diagnosis and treatment of oral and dental problems in this domestic species.
Achieving the owner?s acceptance and implication, both in the required diagnostic tests and the therapeutic compliance, is an essential aspect for the optimal resolution of any clinical case. To this end, it is necessary that he or she understands what is happening to the pet and what diagnostic and treatment guidelines are being established by the veterinary surgeon. In order to make the explanations easier and take profit from the time dedicated to them, the practitioner can rely on this book, where anatomical and physiological aspects of the nervous system are gathered, as well as the main techniques and diagnostic tools that can be applied and the most common pathological conditions and neurological diseases. The clarity and accuracy of the illustrations on every sheet, accompanied by the texts of an expert in this issue like Juan J. Mínguez, will be an important support point for the veterinary surgeon in those cases presenting a neurological problem.
Chronic valvular disease (CVD) is the most common heart disease seen in veterinary practice. Three of every four dogs with heart disease seen in practice have CVD; one in every four elderly dogs has it. This clear and simple visual guide provides all the tools that a primary care veterinary practitioner needs to treat this disease successfully.
Lameness is an issue of great concern for farmers and veterinary practitioners around the world. It affects both dairy and beef cattle farmers and is one of the main causes for culling animals. The interest in achieving good hoof health in cattle herds is not only due to the negative consequences of lameness on the farm?s productivity and profitability, but also to social pressure as a result of animal welfare legislations. The main objective of this guide is not to provide a specific view on hoof care, but to address the topic from a global point of view by gathering the authors? experiences. This handbook, written by experts in this field, is an instructive and visual guide, which will show readers how to analyse the most important characteristics of lameness and the main measures for its control and optimal prevention.
A visual and practical guide on swine leptospirosis aimed at field practitioners to assess and review the current situation of this disease. This book, written by an author with a wide experience, describes the most relevant aspects of the aetiology, epidemiology (with a special emphasis on concepts such as ?natural nidi?, maintenance host and accidental host), pathogenesis, clinical picture, lesions, diagnosis (particularly the interpretation of the results of the diagnostic tests performed), treatment and control of the disease. The book includes numerous visual resources that facilitate the understanding of the text.