Ideal for new learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.When the emperor calls every man to join the army and fight the enemy, Mulan's father is old and ill, and cannot go. Wearing men's clothes and riding a horse, Mulan leaves her family and fights bravely for the Emperor in her father's place.She is soon a hero for all the soldiers in the Chinese army. One of them, Ye Ming, is her best friend. But does he know that she is a woman? And can Mulan fall in love with a friend?
Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.A man from the British royal family leaves an expensive gold and emerald crown at Holder and Stevenson's - one of the best banks in London. When someone tries to take the crown from Mr Holder's desk, he asks Sherlock Holmes for help. Who wants the crown and why? Only Sherlock can find the answers.
Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.'There's going to be a storm,' Father told Fritz. 'Find your brothers and bring them to our room.'A Swiss family are going to Australia when their ship sinks in a storm. After that, Mother, Father, Fritz, Hans, Ernst, and little Franz must make their home on a Pacific Island. Like Robinson Crusoe, they have many exciting times on the island, and they learn a lot about its animals and plants. But do they always want to stay there, or are they going to leave one day?
Llibre perquè l'alumne treballi la comprensió lectora i desenvolupi les capacitats que coundueixen a millorar-la. S'estructura en quatre blocs que acullen els principals tipus de textos que els alumnes poden trobar: Bloc I: Com llegeixo textos literaris (narracions, descripcions, assaigs, diàlegs, poemes...). Bloc II: Com llegeixo la premsa (notícies, reportatges, entrevistes...). Bloc III: Com llegeixo textos relacionats amb les matèries curriculars (matemàtiques, ciències socials, ciències de la naturalesa, mùsica, art...). Bloc IV: Com llegeixo per als altres (lectura en veu alta dels diferents tipus de textos). S'hi proposen nombrosos exercicis per traballar la competència lectora, les estratègies de comprensió lectora i de control de la comprensió.
Llibre perquè l'alumne treballi la comprensió lectora i desenvolupi les capacitats que coundueixen a millorar-la. S'estructura en quatre blocs que acullen els principals tipus de textos que els alumnes poden trobar: Bloc I: Com llegeixo textos literaris (narracions, descripcions, assaigs, diàlegs, poemes...). Bloc II: Com llegeixo la premsa (notícies, reportatges, entrevistes...). Bloc III: Com llegeixo textos relacionats amb les matèries curriculars (matemàtiques, ciències socials, ciències de la naturalesa, mùsica, art...). Bloc IV: Com llegeixo per als altres (lectura en veu alta dels diferents tipus de textos). S'hi proposen nombrosos exercicis per traballar la competència lectora, les estratègies de comprensió lectora i de control de la comprensió.