Lectura graduada con textos adaptados según el nivel de conocimiento de vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales de los alumnos. Incluye CD audio con la grabación completa de la lectura y actividades adicionales.
Cosmic is the stellar addition to your classroom! Liveley and bright, Cosmic leaps from the page. Students simply cannot resist this exciting course. Investigating issues that really appeal and reporting on subjects that really exists, students get caught up in the excitement of learning and showing results. And as their English improves so does their understanding if the world they live in. Give them their technology fix using weblinks, blogs, and educational games. Add star quality to your classes with digital components. Teacher¿s editions available with Active Teach - for resources and in-class presentation. Student books available with ActiveBook - the student book in digital format with audio.
Un diccionario ideal para escoger la palabra más adecuada en cada contexto. Contiene: · 16 000 entradas · 71 000 sinónimos y antónimos · 4 400 notas que guían la consulta Pensado para la consulta habitual, especialmente de los estudiantes de Secundaria y Bachillerato. Con un formato práctico y un precio competitivo, supone la mejor ayuda tanto a nivel académico como personal o profesional.
Fourth edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: First (FCE) course, updated to prepare for the 2015 revised exam. The Student's Book without answers contains fresh, updated texts and artwork that provide solid language development, lively class discussion and training in exam skills. The 24 topic-based units include examples from the Cambridge English Corpus to highlight common learner errors, while vocabulary sections informed by the English Vocabulary Profile ensure that students are learning the most useful language required. A phrasal verb list provides a handy reference. The interactive CD-ROM provides extra practice of the language and topics covered in the book. A Testbank access code for four online Cambridge English: First practice tests is included with this Student's Book. The CD-ROM contains supplementary exercises. Recordings for the Listening exercises are found on the Class Audio CDs or in the Student's Book Pack, available separately.
Bright, innovative, easy-to-use-four-level ESO course reflecting the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. ? Engaging up-to-the-minute topics, real-life issues and clear structured lessons will help your students to make progress.?Across cultures? and CLIL skills lessons develop students? knowledge of the world beyond the classroom. ? A variety of supplementary materials will help you to cater for diversity with multilevel photocopiable materials and My Life Essentials A, B; C y D for specific needs. Exercises at two levels and extra practice exercises in the Students? Book engage fast finishers and support weaker students. ? My Life Essentials specific books to help all your students follow your classes. ? Wide range of attractive and easy-to-use offline and online digital Tools and Online, including new Digital Active Workbook with Gradebook, great new Active Teach IWB software and New Test Generator Online for teachers to create their own tests. www.pearsonELT.es/mylife
Esta historia no tendría nada de particular si no fuera porque algún día, dentro de unos 35.000 años, este relato formará parte de tu pasado. La historia que tienes entre manos es mi historia, la de los cromañones, los primeros Homo Sapiens que llegamos a Europa. La nuestra fue una época dura, nos tocó vivir una glaciación pero, gracias a nuestra organización social y a nuestro trabajo, salimos adelante. A pesar de que ha pasado mucho tiempo, vosotros y nosotros no somos tan distintos.
Saturno, Modesto e Irache, tres rapaces de once anos que vivían na cidade espacial da Salvación, están a punto de viaxar á Terra. Non obstante, o que encontran á súa chegada non é o que esperaran: o Norte é inhabitable e o Sur é un lugar desértico e contaminado. Ademais, cando estaban resignados a vivir nun lugar así, un feito inesperado fainos sospeitar que non lles contaron toda a verdade. Poderán descubrir o que está pasando realmente na Terra? Dispoñible Xogo de Lectura (número 35).