Narrative of the Voyage of HMS Samarang, During the Years 1843 46 (Belcher, Edward)

China (Ríos Paredes, Xulio)

Some Account of the Public Life, and a Selection from the Unpublished Writings, of the Earl of Macartney – Volume 2 (Barrow, John / Macartney, George)

The Public Life of the Earl of Macartney – Volume 1 (Barrow, John / Macartney, George)

Our First Ambassador to China (Robbins, Helen Henrietta Macartney / Macartney, George)

The River of Golden Sand – Volume 1 (Gill, William John / Yule, Henry)

The River of Golden Sand – Volume 2 (Gill, William John / Yule, Henry)

Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet (Bogle, George / Manning, Thomas)

The Competition Wallah (Trevelyan, George Otto)