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Xilitla es la película que la artista visual Melanie Smith presentó en la 54 Bienal de Venecia en 2011. Se trata de una pieza en la que se mezclan medios tan dispares como el vídeo y la pintura. Smith realizó en ella un "desmantelamiento" del encuadre mediante juegos conceptuales en torno a la repetición y la diferencia, desplazando su producción desde la práctica de la pintura como medio potencial para "desencuadrar el encuadre".
Thomas Casademunt (Barcelona, 1967) is a photographer that is forged over two decades as a photojournalist. In constant search has made remarkable series of photos inwhich the death on the altar occupies a privileged place. The album recorded those family altars Day of the Dead that are not yet contaminated by the phenomenon of interest in the party. In these photographs, the presence of death is not as obvious as a sugar skull, Casademunt captures intimate atmosphere where you can appreciate the aesthetic enjoyment of the family and collecting the mourning and even the "presence" of the soul;records the family altars which were built to be seen only by the family and the spirit of the dead, just for the enjoyment of them.Plasma frames your images in front, the frame does not pursuespectacular, not interested in being role. As an ethnologist, leaves a photographic testimony without adding anything. After seven years of research on populations ofthe states of Morelos, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Yucatan, Tlaxcala, Puebla and Guerrero, the result is a beautiful photo.